4th week flowering leaves falling off

Hi I got 3 afgahns about 3 1/2 tall . And this is my first grow . Most of the leaves r ok nice and green . But quite a lot of the other leaves r yellow and falling off . And sum others have got a lot of black spots on them . Looked closely and don't think there r any bugs . Is it normal for the plants to lose leaves at this stage . There is from the top of the branches to the bottom there is between 4 to 10th buds forming . And near the top they r starting to clump together . Is all this normal . First time so could b worrying over nothing . Got pics on phone but. Cant seem to. Upload them . No computer at moment . Any help will b very welcome .


Well-Known Member

It's normal to lose some, but not to lose many, especially only 4 weeks in. Sounds like a ph problem. The reason it's happening is because the plant is using energy stored in those leaves to fuel bud growth. It's not drawing that engergy from the soil because the ph is locking out the roots' ability to uptake those nutrients, so it moves to the leaves.



Well-Known Member
I test it with ph sample cards . I test the water with my big bloom nuties.. I am lucky . My tap water is 6.5 before I add any thing .
That is a good ph for tap water, but I still think you're having a ph problem, or you have a sodium buildup.


Well-Known Member
what is it being fed....if you have been giving it only bloom nutes since it started flowering...then its lacking nitrogen....many people think that as soon as you see hairs to start giving it bloom nutes...this isnt true...during the first 3-4 weeks when its going through its "stretch" it will start showing a lack of N because its putting more energy into growing during its stretch then it is growing bud.start to gradually add in some grow nutes to give it a little bit more nitrogen...when the yellowing stops slowly start backing of the grow nutes and finish up with the bloom nutes...people will say that yellowing in flower is normal...that just isnt true...the bigger yielding and more potent plants will be green up till harvest time...you might lose a couple leaves here and there..but thats because that leaf has has served its purpose and isnt needed anymore...but a mass yellowing of leaves isnt normal
Thanks so much guys . I defo think ur right lack of n. Should have thought of that . I will add sum beg nuties to the bloom straight away thanks I will keep posted