4x1000 +co2+9 strains+=good times


Well-Known Member
Damn man just read every page and it was well worth it very very sick setup man. Sucks to see some jackoff come in and start bumpin his igums about somethin he seems to know nothing about..
But anyhow amazing lookin grow I'm sure people may say change this or do that I say it looks like its workin I say find what work which this seems to be doing and stick with it...
Though have u thought of topping all of them seceral times and lsting into a screen? I think ur yields would be retarded.
WOW, how the fuck would manage a scrog on that scale? That's ridiuclousness. I dunno how you would get into the middle of the screen, hang from the ceiling? He's got so many plants so close together this has to top a scrog anyway.

I dig big ass plants, I was just talking more from an efficiency standpoint. But that shit definitely looks on point and that moron fucking up your journal should be banned.


Well-Known Member
WOW, how the fuck would manage a scrog on that scale? That's ridiuclousness. I dunno how you would get into the middle of the screen, hang from the ceiling? He's got so many plants so close together this has to top a scrog anyway.

I dig big ass plants, I was just talking more from an efficiency standpoint. But that shit definitely looks on point and that moron fucking up your journal should be banned.
I have added a 5th 1000 w I now have plenty of room:clap: I was abel to move two of the rows this allows me to wheel my 32 gallon trash can all the way down the middle of the plants making life much easier I will add the 6th 1000 w tommorow making it 10 plants per 1000w should allow the lower bud sites to get plenty of lights ..All the girls are reaching for the light and seem to be very happy now they can get to work blooming some big buds with plenty of room pics in the morning ..12/12 scheulde first day..:hump: :clap: :weed:
EXACATLY WHAT I WANT TO DO EVERY TIME THE FUCK POST IN MY JOURNAL.. :clap:Hey TILEMASTER What you think 6000w some CO2 10 plants per light should yield me some fat nugs...:hump:


Well-Known Member
I remember reading in your journal that you used something to kill nats cant remember the name..:?:
i'm having a lot of "Page can't be found" errors since this new server went up... anyways...

as i've said before... make sure you don't use neem oil in your reservoir - its just meant to be a foliar spray. Malathion (50/50) from Lowe's or Home Depot can be used as a soil drench... 1 tablespoon per gallon of water in your reservoir kills both adults and larvae. Flypaper is also your friend. As well as diatamaceous earth broadcast on all flat surfaces and floors. Used appropriately... Malathion is the surest way to stop a fungus gnat infestation. The soil drench should thoroughly wet all of the media as well as the bottoms of the containers. Use a foliar spray at the same time and you will have covered all the bases.

them hydro shop guys probably got you using sponges soaked in 'gnatrol' or something. that'l prolly work as well. but if you aren't having instant success with it, don't be afraid to try the malathion at 1 tbspn per gallon.

why you gotta move the rez? just get a longer garden hose...

you'll deffinitely have some nice coverage for that entire room with 6 burners in there. consider lowering your lights or talk to me about their current height if you wouldn't mind. i was surprised when you said that they weren't raised for the pictures... and they weren't visible in the pictures.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I'm subscribed to this, I can tell you that much. I like that you just add 2 more 1000w lights like it's nothing. That's definitely a way to address the problem.

Should be a fuckload of dank ass buds in there!


Well-Known Member
I have added a 5th 1000 w I now have plenty of room:clap: I was abel to move two of the rows this allows me to wheel my 32 gallon trash can all the way down the middle of the plants making life much easier I will add the 6th 1000 w tommorow making it 10 plants per 1000w should allow the lower bud sites to get plenty of lights ..All the girls are reaching for the light and seem to be very happy now they can get to work blooming some big buds with plenty of room pics in the morning ..12/12 scheulde first day..
Sounds like a plan to me...though I dont know where you are finding all this room...that room must be alot longer then it is wide?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan to me...though I dont know where you are finding all this room...that room must be alot longer then it is wide?
9' by 15' sounds just about perfect for two strands of three lamps each :eyesmoke: 15' by... 10' or 12' would actually be a bit nicer 'cuz then you'd have a little more room to walk. but you can always tip-toe through the tulips :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i'm having a lot of "Page can't be found" errors since this new server went up... anyways...

as i've said before... make sure you don't use neem oil in your reservoir - its just meant to be a foliar spray. Malathion (50/50) from Lowe's or Home Depot can be used as a soil drench... 1 tablespoon per gallon of water in your reservoir kills both adults and larvae. Flypaper is also your friend. As well as diatamaceous earth broadcast on all flat surfaces and floors. Used appropriately... Malathion is the surest way to stop a fungus gnat infestation. The soil drench should thoroughly wet all of the media as well as the bottoms of the containers. Use a foliar spray at the same time and you will have covered all the bases.

them hydro shop guys probably got you using sponges soaked in 'gnatrol' or something. that'l prolly work as well. but if you aren't having instant success with it, don't be afraid to try the malathion at 1 tbspn per gallon.

why you gotta move the rez? just get a longer garden hose...

you'll deffinitely have some nice coverage for that entire room with 6 burners in there. consider lowering your lights or talk to me about their current height if you wouldn't mind. i was surprised when you said that they weren't raised for the pictures... and they weren't visible in the pictures.
The lights are 12" Above the tops it was the way I took the picture. Thanks for the info on the nats I think I solved the issue I used 6 packs of neimatodes the hydro guy said that was way more than enough I did not see any nats today not a one ;-)
I'm glad I'm subscribed to this, I can tell you that much. I like that you just add 2 more 1000w lights like it's nothing. That's definitely a way to address the problem.

Should be a fuckload of dank ass buds in there!
Im glad your here to enjoy the ride :bigjoint: when something is not rite it drives me crazy I wont sleep and thats all I think about I over think it some times but the results always show when you do all the little things that add up in the in bongsmilie
Sounds like a plan to me...though I dont know where you are finding all this room...that room must be alot longer then it is wide?
Prior to adding the lights I was using all of the width I had 9' but not the length I was only using 11' now im using all 15' making life much easier..:eyesmoke:
9' by 15' sounds just about perfect for two strands of three lamps each :eyesmoke: 15' by... 10' or 12' would actually be a bit nicer 'cuz then you'd have a little more room to walk. but you can always tip-toe through the tulips :mrgreen:
Problem is I got to the point were I could not tip toe.. Adding more lighting makes life much easier and the lower bud sites can get some light and the girls can have some room along with me now ..:bigjoint: bongsmilie :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Love the op jack very nice setup. I just picked up a 50# CO2 tank and I cant wait to see some results.

Just a quick ?
What is RO Water?


Well-Known Member
Love the op jack very nice setup. I just picked up a 50# CO2 tank and I cant wait to see some results.

Just a quick ?
What is RO Water?
RO is reverse osmosis RO takes all the bad stuff out of your city water chlorine,hard water etc.. I feel RO is a must unless you have axcess to bottle water or when you test your water it has a very low ppm. When using RO water you need to ad MAGICAL this adds maniesium and calsium to the water that the RO takes out you can purchase a RO filter set up $150.00 just connect a garden hose and your good to go. If you are new to growing every thing you need is rite here on this website I also enjoy URBANGROWER.COM :bigjoint::leaf:


Well-Known Member

Nice op... real sharp...

I think I want to see this one...:hump: no.. I deff. want to see this one..:lol:

I didn't read the whole thing, but I will... I get caught up...

Hey DG... just thought I'd bring this up...

lollipopping sounds good... just don't go lolly crazy. i just take the bottom 4 branches or so... but the bottom 1/3 would be alright. i've heard people say "just keep the top 4 branches" or the largest 4 main branches. well, hell, on some plants that would have you chopping off 2/3's of the plant, which would be ridiculous.
I just thought I'd mention that when I do my single cola lollipops, I chop everything but the top... just like Al B. Fuct...

And yes.. it seems ridiculous... but he's getting a zip a clone and I am on my way to getting similar results... from clones like this...



Well-Known Member
I've been reading up on mini-splits for a few weeks now. Did you have to have the system vacuumed like a regular one? I've heard that they come pre-filled but you still need to vacuum the system. My worry was having an a/c contractor to come out and do it and wonder why I've got 24k BTU's in a 14x14 room. They are the shit, though. The fujitsu, sanyo, and mitsubishi inverter tech compressors are available in 21-23 SEER. That means the same cooling cost as a 12k shaker. Twice the cooling or half the cost any way you wanna take it. If I build a house, I think I would outfit the whole place with this type of system. They're huge in Europe, hotels, guard shacks, etc. But yeah, vacuum or no?


Well-Known Member
I demand pics of these plants spread out under these new lights.....and whats this dude above me talkin about he has me hella lost


New Member
He just vents his lights... He has his intake to his lights outside the room and the exhausts to his attic. Other then that the room is sealed.


Well-Known Member

Nice op... real sharp...

I think I want to see this one...:hump: no.. I deff. want to see this one..:lol:

I didn't read the whole thing, but I will... I get caught up...

Hey DG... just thought I'd bring this up...

I just thought I'd mention that when I do my single cola lollipops, I chop everything but the top... just like Al B. Fuct...

And yes.. it seems ridiculous... but he's getting a zip a clone and I am on my way to getting similar results... from clones like this...

Nice I will be lollipopin in the next few days im glad your here GypsyBush..:joint:
I've been reading up on mini-splits for a few weeks now. Did you have to have the system vacuumed like a regular one? I've heard that they come pre-filled but you still need to vacuum the system. My worry was having an a/c contractor to come out and do it and wonder why I've got 24k BTU's in a 14x14 room. They are the shit, though. The fujitsu, sanyo, and mitsubishi inverter tech compressors are available in 21-23 SEER. That means the same cooling cost as a 12k shaker. Twice the cooling or half the cost any way you wanna take it. If I build a house, I think I would outfit the whole place with this type of system. They're huge in Europe, hotels, guard shacks, etc. But yeah, vacuum or no?
A vaccum is always a good idea I am a electrician and have my EPA cert so I pulled the vaccum myself I know on the new PAYNE units there is no need to pull A Vacum :hump:Im not sure where u live but most hydro stores can recomend an ac tech that dosent give a shit what your doing. And even if they ask just tell them its an office and you got it free from work so you used what you had..:joint:One last thing these units are the shit my temp is 77 all day no matter how hot it is out side I can bring my temps down to 65 deg if I wanted ..:hump:
I demand pics of these plants spread out under these new lights.....and whats this dude above me talkin about he has me hella lost
Pics coming when I get home from work today. 4 days ago I could wheel my trash can all the way down the middle with the addition of the new lights .When I checked on the girls this morning I had to tip toe down the middle growth has been amazing the last few days with the addition of the new lights..
How do you keep the Co2 in the room and vent at the same time?
He just vents his lights... He has his intake to his lights outside the room and the exhausts to his attic. Other then that the room is sealed.
Exacatly what nickbad said if you go back this is all explained in detal how I have a totally sealed room and how amazing CO2 is ..:twisted: :hump:


Well-Known Member
Just got done watering 60 plants used 40 gallons of water with nutes I also lollipoped all of the plants with the exception of the JACK RIPPERS I will do those tommorow ran out of time I will also take pics at 700am when lights come on Every thing is looking real nice...:joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Just got done watering 60 plants used 40 gallons of water with nutes I also lollipoped all of the plants with the exception of the JACK RIPPERS I will do those tommorow ran out of time I will also take pics at 700am when lights come on Every thing is looking real nice...:joint: :peace:
Great grow man!

Did you top the jack? Check out my album. I ran jack my last grow and had great results w/out co2.

I just put co2 in my room yesterday to help combat the heat. I'll be interested in the difference this run.

Keep up the great work bro.
