4x4 grow room clean slate


Well-Known Member
really 80-100 of those big ass cflls?? how many real watts are those? i was thinking of making a 4x4 foot peice of ply covered in cfls but i got some crazy deals on hps/mh..

Yep..free shipping! Actually that's the most that would fit at the time.
When done there will be closer to 80-100 total. Future so bright gotta wear shades"


Well-Known Member
what should i do all the lower buds are herming !!! sill no beans in the big buds... should i start to flush??? i dont have a scooe but i think all trichs are still clear...can i stop it?? will it spread to other plants??>



Well-Known Member
They are seeds no doubt but not on top just the bottom thats why i think its herming .. Maybe cold water a few days ago shocked?


Well-Known Member
Plus i think more would be polinated, if that was the case... He one other plant got shocked then hermed also on thebottom???


Well-Known Member
Im not sure what i should do?? I can pick them out but that will prob stress it more? I guess i will just have some seedy nugs oh well . I hope it doesnt spread! That plant is closest to the heater could it be getting too hot??


Well-Known Member
why are you keeping your temps so high?

the decrease will stimulate the plant into thinking its gonna die. it will pump out more resin to protect itself from the cold!


Well-Known Member
really 80-100 of those big ass cflls?? how many real watts are those? i was thinking of making a 4x4 foot peice of ply covered in cfls but i got some crazy deals on hps/mh..
30 of the big ones. I'm going with the 42 or 68 for better all over coverage even though I'm hempy sog-ing. Between the hoods I'm going to hang 4 to light the sides. That way the plants can be 14-18 in hi and budz the whole lenght. When you do change, get in touch and I'll send you the pics of the different hoods I've got and the lil secrets when building them.


Well-Known Member
I guess we will see huh! I guess a batch of femed seeds would be nice.one day last week i gave the girls really cold water i think that one got the most:(

as for the hps and mh i think im gonna build a dome shaped roof in the flower and vegg rooms (when i split the room) like an upside down u in each room filling the whole roomfront to back side to side i will do a sketch in paint soon...


Well-Known Member
They have been in the low 70s with lights on the whole time ??? I thought they were slow but i blamed it on the cfls maybe too cold??


Well-Known Member
Maybe to much venting..What size rm? What size fan? Do the cubic of rm divide by CFM of fan. That'll tell you how often the air is exchanged.


Well-Known Member
My only air exchange is the leaks around the door and where my framing meet the foundation of the house plus a 1/2 in gap i left at the back wall. My fan moves air around pretty well you feel the air rushing out of the door cracks .