4x4 tent. what is the best wattage for this size?


Active Member
I have two 400 with eye blue bulbs. I was wondering if a 600 could replace the two an cover just as much? I dont really want a 1000. Well i want...but shouldnt. Im just resarting an plan on shooting them of 12 inch an under. Soil is going to be just add water. "TLO"


Well-Known Member
could go for the 1000. But get a dimmable one that dims down to 600, then when you go up in tent size you already have the power.


Active Member
Im looking for a comparison of 2x400s v. A 600. Would it be worth selling the 400s an get a 600.? Or just keep?

Lysemith, Lowkey

Well-Known Member
600's have the best lumen output when compared to power consumption, its the most efficient. I use a 600 in my 4x4 and i love it.


Well-Known Member
The dude that mentioned the solistek matrix has the right idea, then you can run whatever lamps you want in it, it's 3 ballasts in one.
They are fairly pricey but you get what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
Dimming a higher wattage lamp throws off spectrum so dimming features on ballasts are really just fucking silly. I'm sure there are others that fire 400, 600 and 1000 watt lamps but they're gonna be pricey just like the matrix. you could probably buy 3(or possibly more) ipower ballasts for the price of 1 solistek matrix, I'll take the matrix every time.


New Member
I love my 4 x 4 closet I made, big enough to house 2 rubbermaid 31 gal totes with 2 plants in each and under a 4 x 4 scrog. I am also working on a idea on how to make my floor move like a lazy susan so I can grow a quick strain and a long strain, when the quick is done, flip her around and tada and was also thinking if I get it motorized I could have a display spinning bud show case lmao wont need no moving lights the floor does all the work, right? I also have mine under a 600 hps cool tube. Ive seen several ppl say the cool tube is garbage but honestly I dont see how, you can lower pretty much right on top and it is nice and cool no burning at all yet


Well-Known Member
I dunno, I kinda like the idea of the plants remaining stationary most of the time and the light doing the moving. That lazy susan thing was just done on here somewhere I believe.