5.5 feet x 4.5 feet flower only


i think this is a good size room to flower in But im not sure....anyone know what a good size light would be to get in here and anyone know how many plants would fit in here. Thanks for looking. also like 9.5 feet high if it matters.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
A 1000w would illuminate that size pretty well. Light movers help alot to get the most out of high wattage lights and also decrease the need for plant rotation.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
How many plants will fit depends on what size you grow them to. There are SoG growers that put as many as four small plants in a square foot of floor space. The higher wattage the light, the further from the bulb the light reaches and the taller the plants can be. A 1000w, for example, can support up to six feet of vertical growth, not counting the bottom of the trunk where light doesn't reach very well. We grow up to 2.5' tall plants that take up 1.25 square feet each.