5 AMS From Greenhouse Seeds.

irish farmer

Active Member
:-oOk so the season is on the way. I have 5 AMS from greenhouse seeds. What should I do should I start indoor or just put them out when the time comes. I will be using organic fert and regular soil. I'm just not sure if I should get them started indoor. :-o


Active Member
AMS is an extremely robust strain so you should be safe putting them outside when the time comes. I'd still get them going indoors so they can establish themselves a bit better.


Well-Known Member
Ya i would plant them in beer pong size cups indoors now. Get a couple CFL's, twenty bucks at the most, and use these for lights. Been really wanting to get my hands on some Greenhouse seeds!:leaf:

irish farmer

Active Member
Ok thanks guys Im gona start them this week. I have a good veg room set up so in thare they will go for about 6 to 8 weeks.