5 days into 12/12 N toxicity, Should I go back into veg

So as the title says i'm 5 days into 12/12 and my leaves are pretty dark green with some clawing. I flushed them last night and hope that helps fix the problem but I'm wondering if it would be better to put them back into veg for a little while or to just let them push through in 12/12. Here are some pics though its hard to tell because the hps is on.



Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with then mate, they will soon start to lose colour has the nitro is used up.leave them alone imho


Well-Known Member
It may look somewhat bad now but if you leave them alone they will use it up, I usually feed high N content right up until day 10 of flower; keeps them green a lot longer throughout the flowering process.

Thanks for the response guys! I just needed the reassurance . This is my second grow and my first one didn't turn out to good so when I saw the clawing I got really concerned.