5 days into flower, PLZ HELP


Well-Known Member
ok my plant is showing signs of female flowers i believe, its just a matter of time to be sure of it though. but my plant has seemed to be getting really droopy and having brown tips on all leaves just about. this happened prior to flowering i think i might have gave it to much nutes in veging or maybe overwattered? what does it look like to you guys, im uploading several pics



Active Member
as beaner sayz, defin8 nute burn,u can clearly see by the distortion of the leaf margins & tips m8! get ur plant and elevate it on 2 bricks,or parrallel slats of wood,leaving ample space for drainage!ie make sure wotever u elevate the pots on dont block th holes in the pot!flush with approx 3 times the volume of the container using just water!wait until it drains then place ur lady back in her home,under an HPS!!!