5 days


Active Member
My sprout doesn't seem to have grown any since 3 days ago. I germinated my Jock Horror and planted in Jiffy Seed Starter. It germinated in 2 days and sprouted less than 24 hours after planting. By the 2nd day it was 1 1/2"tall. I'm using 4 26w CFL's (6500k) about 3 inches away. It looks solid, with leaves nice and green and horizontal (4 of them). Any input will be greatly appreciated. It looks like this http://www.cannabisculture.com/library/images/uploads/1379-Wanda1.jpg



Active Member
Thanks for all the input stoners. I think its ok. I transplanted it in Fox Farm Ocean soil and its looking good.


Well-Known Member
Transplanting them in to bigger pots will probably make em grow faster if they're in starters.

How often are you watering? They like to do growth spurts right after you water and then it doet seem like they grow at all.