5 gallon DWC question


Active Member
To make a 5 gallon dwc do u just got to put a tube at the top that connects to a strong solid air stone at the bottom of the bucket by an air pump?

then fill with ph'd water and and nutrients and always keep wated levels 1-3 inches away from the net pot?

If so i could make my perfect veg setup with veg neuts
Sounds like you got it down. I use a 5 gallon bucket, a lid with a 6" netpot, a 4" air stone, and a good air pump. They say that your air pump wattage should equal the amount of gallons of water you have. I put in almost 3.5 gallons of water into my buckets, so I need atleast a 3 watt air pump.

Now once it's setup, here is what you need to keep an eye on.

Water temps should be around 65 degrees.
No light leaks into the buckets.
Start light on the nutes, and watch your plants.
Be prepared to change the water in the bucket weekly, and top off as needed with ph water.

It really is a great way to grow, and you will NOT be disappointed in the results. Less is more in DWC. Look up the heisenberg tea thread too, do that for sure!!!


Well-Known Member
That's most of it.... keeping water temp. below 70 is crucial, adding some pondzyme helps keep the roots healthy. No light entering the buckets. Min. of 1w of air per gallon of water. Start with water level one inch up the pots then an inch or so below, after the roots are coming out. :peace:


Active Member
Thanks a lot bros now i totally got my veg down!! Will post pictures asap!!
Wait 1 last thing lol after i germ from the rw cube can i start in 5 gallon dwc right away?


Well-Known Member
No airstone needed. Weight the lines to keep them on the bottom. Airstones are bacteria and algae magnets. Once that seed has popped I place in my DWC. Use a water bottle with the base cut off if needed for a dome. Keep the cap for nighttime, otherwise let her rip.
Thanks a lot bros now i totally got my veg down!! Will post pictures asap!!
Wait 1 last thing lol after i germ from the rw cube can i start in 5 gallon dwc right away?
You can put the rockwool cube into the net pot. I always put a layer of hydroton, then the cube, then fill the rest with hydroton. Keep your water right at the bottom of the net pot, until the roots grow into the bucket, then drop it down 1/2 inch or so. Top feed your plants until they have roots. I do not use nutes until roots are touching water, then I start very lightly, and work my way up. If you don't want to make the tea, just buy some great white, and put about a 1/4 scoop into each bucket weekly. No H202 if using tea, or great white. You will not be disappointed : )


Active Member
No airstone needed. Weight the lines to keep them on the bottom. Airstones are bacteria and algae magnets. Once that seed has popped I place in my DWC. Use a water bottle with the base cut off if needed for a dome. Keep the cap for nighttime, otherwise let her rip.
Can u explain this better lol a dwc without an air stone sounds crazy


Well-Known Member
Can u explain this better lol a dwc without an air stone sounds crazy
airstones will get clogged with the calcium. airstones cause back pressure on your pump which not only puts stress on the pump but actually decreases air flow. just put a clip or weight on the end and let it sink!