5 Gallon or 10 Gallon Pots Outdoor Grow?


Well-Known Member
I'm starting my first outdoor grow in a few days and I have my starting pots all ready. But when it comes to the repot I don't know weather to go for 10 gal or 5 gal pots. I don't want to go straight into the ground (due to soil with high clay content) but I also think 10gal pots for two different plants may become pricey with my choice of soil (Biobizz All Mix)

Any advice is appreciated!

Peace. :peace:


Active Member
ive used 5's 10's and 20's, you will definately notice a difference with the increased pot size.


Well-Known Member
My friend, if should be so lucky, and u have the area, money, and resources to have that wonderful option in the first place,- Then by all means, sock out a few extra duckets and go big... It will only come back to you in the form of bigger, happier, heavier trees... Of course, u could use mine, and probably a million others' method, and just do one, easy-to-deal-with 5 gal container per plant if u r going with two plants, as it's better to not let their roots become intertwined and lert them enjoy their own space, and and you'll definately see some nice returns... But for outdoor applications, I like to see big, ol' monster plants become all they wanna be, so I would even suggest, amending your soil to a less expensive "brand name" type, find a nice organic living soil recipe, which r usually very affordable compared to a "premixed" "brand name" type, and go with the nice 20-gallon size we used in Santa Cruz... You will be most pleased u did...


Well-Known Member
My friend, if should be so lucky, and u have the area, money, and resources to have that wonderful option in the first place,- Then by all means, sock out a few extra duckets and go big... It will only come back to you in the form of bigger, happier, heavier trees... Of course, u could use mine, and probably a million others' method, and just do one, easy-to-deal-with 5 gal container per plant if u r going with two plants, as it's better to not let their roots become intertwined and lert them enjoy their own space, and and you'll definately see some nice returns... But for outdoor applications, I like to see big, ol' monster plants become all they wanna be, so I would even suggest, amending your soil to a less expensive "brand name" type, find a nice organic living soil recipe, which r usually very affordable compared to a "premixed" "brand name" type, and go with the nice 20-gallon size we used in Santa Cruz... You will be most pleased u did...
I do agree with this a lot but I don't know what soil would be affordable and good for weed. Knowing my luck I'll buy some shit soil that will kill my crop, so I thought to stick with the soil I succeeded with in the past. Miracle Grow is always cheap but I hear it can be a nuisance if you don't know what you're doing with it.


Well-Known Member
3-5 gallon containers can grow pretty massive plants, but you'll need to water them every other day. 10 gallon will need water about once a week, and a 20 gallon every 10-15 days or so.


Well-Known Member
well, if you wanted to you could do 1 5 gallon and 1 10 gallon and see the difference for yoursellf so you can decide what works best for you next year. I'd do the 10 if possible myself. twice the root space=twice the amount of foliage and buds it can support for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Just find a very basic potting mix that's not pre-fertilized, and add in all of your greensand, dolomite lime, and perlite, and organic nutes as the times of growth come for them... U can't go wrong, especially if u steer clear of any Scott's or MG crap... Just plain-Jane soil, then get some worm castings and guanos and kelp and fish emulsion and different meals and such and mix them up in a kiddie pool with a garden hoe...and transfer it to your big ol containers... Youll do fine...


Well-Known Member
Just tell the garden supply employee u r starting some young tomatos that u dont want to burn, and want a very neutral soil, that isnt prefed, and they should be able to assist u in finding the right stuff...

kbo ca

Active Member
8 foot plants in 5 gallon containers, Truth. Don't need em much bigger than that, but the 10 gals will get you a nice forest i'm sure.


Well-Known Member
SWAMP GUERRILLA GROWING 3 months old, i dont remenber the mix but pitmoss, some miracle grow moisture control tip stuf, job lot,top soil also miracle grow, job lot , and blood meal, bone meal, miracle grow also, and lime fast reaction, cow manure detadrate, and let sit for 4 weeks, then put in your plants, plants were under 400watts hps for 2 weeks then put in containers 42 gllons, now they are 3 months olds, fert. once a month w/ miracle grow 202020 then swicth to flower fert. 105020 they are showing sex all of then, female, cali. hash plant, northernlithgsxskunk, afgankushxskunk, anyone know the how much the harvest 001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg011.jpg012.jpg013.jpg014.jpg
Big as you can afford , i use 25gal and am pulling over qp per plant outside...the roots have more room=bigger plants=more reward.


Active Member
I'm starting my first outdoor grow in a few days and I have my starting pots all ready. But when it comes to the repot I don't know weather to go for 10 gal or 5 gal pots. I don't want to go straight into the ground (due to soil with high clay content) but I also think 10gal pots for two different plants may become pricey with my choice of soil (Biobizz All Mix)

Any advice is appreciated!

Peace. :peace:
I grow outdoors in New Jersey. I start em indoor in march and bring em out early may lights are on same time as outdoor light dark schedule so no flowering in may/June but I have a few in10 gallons a few in15 and a few in 20 gallon fabric pots I wrapped the side with plastic wrap so the roots still self prune but soil stay moist longer especially at edges of fabric pots. I take clones of my favorite cuts and get em big and get em outdoors and they all yield well but same plant same soil just different sizes and the 20 gallons give me easy 13/14 zips dry flower as the 10-14 gallons will yield like 8 zips dry do bigger is better whenu grow outdoors. Also IPM is a must and organically done