5 Gallon Seedling Bucket Temp


Well-Known Member
I have a 5 gal bucket using 3 inch net pots and air pump/stone to start them. They are growing roots but seem slower than before (way colder on the East Coast).

Is 55 degrees (maybe alittle lower) too cold of water for optimum root growth? Should I buy a aquarium heater, it keeps water at 78 degrees?
Or just buy some of that aluminum insulation stuff you can wrap around bucket?


Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I keep my res at 65 degrees, I think 55 or less sounds too low.

78 seems a little high, are you in an unheated space?
I completely agree with Commander Strax 55 degrees is way to low and will probably shock your seedlings and a full grow plant for that mater. I've heard that the plant takes in nutrients better with water temps at 65 to 70 degrees not sure if thats a fact or not but they seem to do great at those temps. I personaly keep mine at 70 degrees I use a fish tank temp control unit. You can get them at almost any pet store that sells tropical fish only cost me $20 and I can set the temp to what I want it to. It has a digital read out that tells you the temp of your water and what you set it to. It's a neat little device it heats up the water as well as cools it down if needed. Hope this helps you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks...I went the cheap route and bought reflective insulation. Hopefully this raises the temp...
