5 gallon tote


Hey guys, I'm attempting to grow a couple plants in a 5 gal. Tote. I've got 2 sprouts just out of solo cups an one top out of a Mama plant I cloned, the plants an top was root bound an I moved them to my tote last night, the top I cloned is looking wicked! I'm using 175 mh, 100 Watt hps an 2 26 Watt (100) cfls..gonna try an post pictures I'm a newbie ;) but I guess u can tell that by my combination of mess I have! Lol:peace:


Tag for pics, are you going hydro? Thats what all the cool kids do :-) In my setup I do 1 plant per 5 gallon bucket, and I have to fill the water 2-3 times per week before I empty, clean, and put fresh water and nutes.


Sector 5 Moderator
OK, yeah that would explain it. Make sure you've got a bulb specifically made for growing.


Ok...I'll look into it more, but it said grow light in description? But that don't mean nothing I guess


IMG_20111102_121511.jpgIMG_20111102_121437.jpgIMG_20111102_121424.jpg Ok guys, this is what I got. Been vegging for 3 weeks now, the bigger momma plant was brought indoors from being started outside late in the summer. In the small tote is my clone ( taken off the momma in the other pics) and some bagseed seedlings. Seedlings are are 2 weeks old. Got my 100 watt HPS up last night and have it and a 175 MH on all of them right now running 18/6. About how long do you all think I should keep vegging before I cut the lights back to 12/12?? Thanks for all the input, I'm new at this like I said, 1st time indoors! Having a blast with it so far...LOL! Good toking.....:joint::joint::joint:


Well I didn't start momma till July outside so it was just about 8 inches tall when I brought it inside. I trimmed the fan leaves back and topped it, thats my clone, the top of the momma. It has since spread out some and got a little taller. Just wondering if I should let it veg some more before I switch the light to 12/12? Going to try and flower it and the clone at the same time. Hoping to get a couple nice females out of my new seedlings and then do a small scale SOG grow on them. What do ya think? I'm just experimenting with this one and trying to learn a little.

Roll On.....


Well, I'm new an I trimmed the leaves, it has solid nugs an smells Killer ..it's not much but better than nothing!