5 o'clock's subcooled garden.....

The hardest part was watching him waste away from spry as a pup and a good 65 pounds in Dec to so frail he was just bones and had to be carried out to go to the bathroom. He was a fighter to the end. I gave him plenty of Vicodine in his last 2 days and fed him a bud every 4 hours in some bread. He wagged his tail to the very end. And another update the house we were looking at had major problems that turned up in an inspection so we will be staying put unless this place sells out from under us. I'm bound to have a streak of good luck one of these days.....
It breaks ya heart dunt it. I got a cat whos bout 15 now and I know its not gonna be too long b4 she goes to skin and bone. Were idiots really setting our selfs up for this heart break time and time again, I love animals so much tho couldnt live with out em lol messy buggers lol.
i was going to write something sentimental but lookin at the pic just made me feel sad man. me n her indoors were talking about getting a boxer one of my families line to carry it on but i dont think i could deal with the heartbreak of losing them.

look on the bright side 5 if they sell your house youll be rich! but i guess homeless. aint life grand eh
condolences to you my friend 5.

I had to put down my other dog of 13 years a few months back - was one of the hardest things I've had to do.
It breaks ya heart dunt it. I got a cat whos bout 15 now and I know its not gonna be too long b4 she goes to skin and bone. Were idiots really setting our selfs up for this heart break time and time again, I love animals so much tho couldnt live with out em lol messy buggers lol.

i was going to write something sentimental but lookin at the pic just made me feel sad man. me n her indoors were talking about getting a boxer one of my families line to carry it on but i dont think i could deal with the heartbreak of losing them.

look on the bright side 5 if they sell your house youll be rich! but i guess homeless. aint life grand eh

condolences to you my friend 5.

I had to put down my other dog of 13 years a few months back - was one of the hardest things I've had to do.

Thank all of you for the heartfelt words. I have never been without a pet in my life more than a few months. I used to be sad when they would run away or twice I've had them hit by cars, once right in front of me. But it was never like this time. It truely was a rebirth for me. Easter has always held a special place in my heart. I was 9 when after the big ice storm of 78 I woke up in my room in time to see the lights flicker on after a week without power on easter morning. I proposed to my wife on easter.My children were baptised on Easter. My birthdathay has fallen on easter several times in my life and my son is born one day, within 30 min to be exact, of my birthday and he will have easter on his birthdays too.

I was working on the house this morning like I have for the last 3 days straight. I'm finally done with my kitchen remodle. I was in the back yard with a cup of coffee this morning and found a dog walking through my yard. I had never seen it before and later in the day while talking to my neighbor who has lived out here for years asked me if I knew where that dog had come from as she had never seen it before. Thinking back it was strange that I put my dog to sleep on monday and 3 days later there is a strange dog in my yard that has a collar but no tags. I believe it was an angle sent to tell me things are about to change in my life. I have seen one before when my dad and I broke down driving home from Texas, I mean the tire and the rim were gone off the boat trailer in the middle of nowhere at 4 AM. We pulled over and into a parking lot. While I was vidieo taping the boat damage a guy walked across the empty lot between the highway and the Burger King we were in. A cop had tried to tell us earlier that we were fucked and it was going to cost us some money to get back on the road. This guy not only gave me directions to a store. He told me what to get to fix it and a floorjack to lift the boat to do the work. He said he would be back in an hour to pick up the jack (easily a $50 tool). A few dollars for some u bolts and a new trailer tire already mounted on a rim grand total less than $80. 2 hours later after the boat was fixed and we stalled long enough to eat he still wasn't back. I left the jack with the manager and we hit the road. Never saw him again.....

Things happen for a reason.....
hahah id be scared every easter someone was going to die or i was going to become a dad haha things do indeed happen for a reason 5 mate just doesnt seem clear sometimes.

kool shit the guy helping you like that man. it amazes me there are folk like that still. i had a blown out tire like shredded while driving up the coast to canada, 10 mins pass while were looking at the flat spare trying to find boulders to jack the back end up when 2 old folks from like 2 hours away from our place in the uk drove past an offered us a lift to the nearest gas station like a 60 mile round trip wouldnt take a penny in payment or cent rather.
Sad but true story...watchjng it now. My brother in law was molested by the local priest when he was an alter boy as well.

You have a beautiful family Matt, again good luck
If your still subscribed to this i hope my message reaches you in time. This weekend on the CNN network they will be showing a documentary titled "What the pope knew." I ask any of you who read this in time to watch the show. I told everyone in my last post that something very big was about to happen in my life. Well 2 months ago it did. This show will contain my story. Please watch... Thank you and God bless....

Im still subscribed but we dunt get cnn over here. There was a bit of a hoo har wen the pope came over here jus recently fucking nazi control freak.
I was a little disappointed on how little was used. They talked to me for 5 hours. Local news wouldn't even touch the story... Still using sub gear, still getting great results. Was able to save the DQ#5. About 3 weeks away from tasting Querkel for the first time.....

I saw the protest they had in Britian over his visit. Americians are to self absorbed to take the time to give a shit until it happens to someone they know. Then they ask for money and go away. I bet they wished I would have too. I'll ride them back to hell.....
Id be excited about the querkle too, hope u get a nice fruity sour totaly medicanal smoke from it. I been messing with that and the deep purple wich is the same as really and the uk clone onlys well the uk exodus psychosis to be more correct, i have a few deep purple x psychosis f2 seeds to try now lol.
5 oclock is a cool dude. Thinking he's kinda moved on, but I got a chance to see him on 60 Minutes last fall. Nice looking family.

If you ever happen to check back in 5 buddy we haven't forgotten about you, hope to hear from you again sometime.
thatd be cool if 5 did come back, i miss our chats lol. This were u pour booze on the floor for the missing homie? >>>>>>>>>:joint: in the wind