5 of the best mindblowing strains, Day 1... LOTS OF PICS!! Daily Updates.


Well-Known Member
dem be da schzitlestankoids .... no I have absolutely no idea what that's supposed to mean ... your buds look awesome .... phattenering more and more!! no thats not a real word either. I'm on a roll , leave me alone ... LOL!


Well-Known Member
that's a good sign at this stage :joint: good job!
good sign. ok. not sure whats happening. all 3 strains are so different, next grow sticking to 1 strain. got 1 burned. 1 yellowing. and 1 that looks like super crack weed that smells up the hole place. life is good.


Well-Known Member
short version ... is spent some time in Tahoe at a crtiical juncture in my life, and named a horse Tahoe ... so it has now stuck with me. the walk on is also related. I went through hell and back, and have learned just to .... walk on. Sometimes its the only choice. sometimes it's the best choice. whatever it is, walking on is Always a choice.


Well-Known Member
short version ... is spent some time in Tahoe at a crtiical juncture in my life, and named a horse Tahoe ... so it has now stuck with me. the walk on is also related. I went through hell and back, and have learned just to .... walk on. Sometimes its the only choice. sometimes it's the best choice. whatever it is, walking on is Always a choice.
much love and respect. :peace::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
many thanks ... I feel the luv .... its all good in the end ... if it ain't good yet. it ain't the end yet ... oh fuk ... don't get me started hehehehe ..... lots of great learnings .... ! Experiences I may say I'd rather not have had, but fully cognizant that I am much better for having had them ..... strange ironies, dichotomies, paradoxes .... our world is most interesting. many thanks again.


Well-Known Member
security compromised. activity is going to be minimal here on out, i just can't quit you riu. wouldn't be fair for all those who've helped me not to see end product. after this journal i'm done though, unless someone has an explanation for why my notepad says fuck off when i didn't write it. i changed my password, but i am thinking someone high up may of accessed my account? maybe take this to the man? wouldn't that be "the enforcer"? :cuss:


Well-Known Member
Uhhh I thought you can only get to your encrypted notepad from your own account
its what i thought which spooked me the fuck out. my password is def not easy. what would you do? i haven't made anyone mad besides this assclown "grind" who has no rep and a mere 200 something posts. name isn't in bold red either. don't think it could of been him.


New Member
No, probably not. I actually think that happened to me before, did you have something written down in it? I think I had put a bunch of notes in it when it happened. I seem to remember going through the same thoughts but then probably forgetting about it. The account is not tied to my identity in any way.


Well-Known Member
have u down loaded anything lately... cud be key logged.. happened to me... not a fun thing

Haha....or it's probably something simple like you had someone over and left it up on the screen so they wrote that shit. Your girlfriend, your buddies, anyone can do that shit.