5 Products Better than Miracle Grow & under $10 At your local Home Depot


Active Member
Ok so lately I've noticed lots of newbies Asking nutrient (aka nutes) Questions.

I consider Miracle Grow a vile nasty product that does more harm than good in most cases. The fact of the matter is it's so readily available and cheap thats what most newbies turn to. Considering newbies and miracle grow don't mix I decided to do some research on a few products that are just as available as MG (Miracle Grow) and much more beneficial.
All these products can be found at Home Depot, Lowes and sometime Wal-Mart.

First on the list for veg...
shultz 10-15-10 W/ micronutrients.
It is formulated to give all plants the essential primary nutrients and the micronutrients,
iron, manganese and zinc, they need for vigorous growth.
Sells for about $4.98
I usually start a half the recomemded amount and work my way up to full stregnth.

Also for veg. & all Organic
Epsoma Plant-Tone. $7.57
An all natural, all purpose premium plant food blend.
Long lasting, slow release feeding.
Complex blend of of the safest, finest natural ingredients available.
No sludges, fillers, or toxic ingredients are ever used.
This Product should only be used twice to three times during veg. Once again use half the recomended amount for the first feeding. Only use once a month.

This next product can be used once a month in conjuncton w/ your normal feeding schedule
Alaska Fish Fertilizer $5.48
Nutrient rich fish has been used as a fertilizer for centuries.
The pilgrims knew to bury fish in the soil to assure vigorous plant growth and plentiful h
arvests. Generations of gardeners have relied on Alaska Fish to give them all the
benefits of this traditional, time tested fertilizer in formulas that are easy and
convenient to use. Alaska Fish offers pure fish organic fertilizers in formulas that
gardeners want. Alaska Fish Fertilizer can be applied using a sprinkling can or clog
free hose end garden feeder. This product is for use in organic gardening. Use on all
indoor and outdoor plants. It is all purpose deodorized fish emulsion fertilizer that is
derived from seagoing fish. Also use half whats recomended.

For Flowering...
For flowering I've only found one really useful product, that can be found at all three stores...
Color Burst 15-30-15 $5.48
This I also cut the recommended amount in half. These are time release granules, but they are released by heat not water, so even if you over water the plants won't burn.

Lastly for people with soil ph problems...
Epsoma Organic Garden lime $3.97
The finest grade of pelletized, dolomitic limestone available.
Lime adjusts soil pH so plants can get the most from nutrients present.

Ok so I hope this helps someone out there with these questions. I'm still kind of a newbie myself but after actually trying these products myself it occurred to me to share my research. There are of course better more advanced products out there but these are common better than MG and they worked for me!!!



OK i got a question i am a noobie here, but if i get the Espoma Garden Sulfur Soil do i just put that in the pot and use that to grow in?? or is this stuff that should like only be sprinkled onto your pot of soil to feed the plant or something?


Active Member
That stuff I really don't recomend. Just get some scotts potting mix.
I'm not big on soils that have a bunch of stuff added.
Good stuff to add to soil before you plant ....
Bat guano or
Worm castings ( poo )
Fish emulsion


Well-Known Member
alaska has a bloom fert too. i have ben itching to try both of them. i got a jug of b1 from home depot that im happy with


Active Member
On the subject of soil.... Mg vs. Scotts

Scotts by a mile. It's too easy for a noob to get over-zealous and start feeding before it's necessary.
Since I was a noob at one point trust me. noobs always want to do too much.
A first grow is exciting and it's easy to over-feed, AS IT IS.
at least with scotts if you feed when the plant is ready, there's no risk of burning
by already having too many nutes in the soil.
( miracle grow soil usually feed for the first 3 mo)
Also sometimes i've seen seedlings burn in that (miracle grow) soil too without additional nutes.

In most stores Scotts is also cheaper by a few bucks!!!

Remeber, feed the soil and the soil will feed the plant :)

Now you kids go out and grow some nice buds, don't forget to write and send me pics!!!


Active Member
Good! glad to help... remember... send pics!!
Also you can use molassas 1tbsp per gallon ( thats what I do) every other feeding
during flowering!!! make your buds nice n think


anyone have any experience using schultz bloom plus plant food when flowering? just looking around the store to see whats available. Thanks


Active Member
I've seen that around in homedepot too. If its the liquid I'm thinking of i've also used that but
You have to be very careful with the amount, I cut the recomended in like more than half. so it's almost like
1/3 the stregnth. The color burst granules are really good cause you give them one dose and that's it
your good for like 3-4 weeks


Active Member
well if you want a successful hydrogrow there isn't really a cheap home depot fix.
I would find a hydro/ garden retailer that carries foxfarm.
Spend the money it is totally worth it


Active Member
I just want to say something. It all depends on the tools available to you. pH meter and ppm meter are key.

I grew with MG 20-20-20. It was fine. The only problem that I had was the fact that I was growing in soil-less and I didnt know that there was absolutely no nutes in my ground (promix). People would say not to feed, or dont feed too much, and so I didnt feed at all. If you regulate the ppm, you can grow successfully with miracle gro. It is not bad!! The other stuff might be better seeing as there might be some micro nutrients that miracle grow doesnt have. But if MG is available to the user, I'd advise to purchase a ppm meter from ebay for $20-30