5 Weeks Flowering Possible Bug?/Nute? Problem...


Greetings all, long time reader, second time grower, first time poster. Have what im guessing could be a bug problem, noticed this on several leaves, all on the bottom half of two plants growing in the same DWC res. First noticed one week ago, about a week and 1/2 after switching frow a 250 hps to a 600 hps in the flowering room, so curious if it could be heat related, although it never gets above 75 and this is on the bottom half of 3 1/2 foot plants, any help would be appreciated.



Thanks for the quick reply, they are crispy where the damage is, the other 95% percent of leaves are lush, medium/dark green though, just seemed like a heat problem would be burning the top of the plant first, but maybe not? I would be thrilled if it's just heat, was looking at it close and gettin awfully worried about these spider mites i've heard so much about... any other info?


Active Member
Do you have scope? look under the leafs and make sure there are no bugs. If not then I would go with heat I just never seen white dots from heat. The leaf it self the crispy part looks like heat.


Thanks, I'll get my hands on a scope tonight or tomorrow and post results, took a good hard look and don't see any bugs with the naked eye..