5 WEEKS FROM SEED...update w/pics


Well-Known Member
copy/pasted this here since rw was saying he subscribed.

SIX WEEKS FROM SEED, pics and questions

HERE SHE IS. Technically we'll be 6 weeks from seed tomorow (sunday). Been in 12/12 for 1 weeks and 1 day. Just switched from Aerogarden nutes to XNUTRIENTS. Wondering if anybody can tell sex? I THINK she's a fem, looks like I can see pistils and hairs (maybe its wishfull vision.) Also, I noticed when changing water/nutes today it looked like a few of the top leaves had moisture...do plants sweat? And, should I trim anything?
When I started 12/12 she was about 6 1/2 inchs, now she's about 10 inchs. Roots seem to look good to my untrained eye.
comments and tips are appreciated​
You are looking good. Roots look good. Probably really can't tell sex yet, closer to three weeks you should be able to...rw