5 weeks in time for cloning??


Ok so i got the clones going and i can see some roots coming out of the sides a little is this normal? I would have thought the roots would come out the bottom but the clones are looking great so i guess it must be normal?? I have attached a pic for you to have a look hopefully its looking ok!!



The plants are doing really well also for anyone who cares i am about to put them into flower just getting the room setup i will add some more pics of the plants in a few days.. i have made a room next to my cupboard set up that is light proof and will be big enough for about 6 to 8 plants all i have to do now is put some kind of venting in there because its completely airtight right now, any suggestions for a cheap venting solution??


Well-Known Member
well if you are wanting to take clones to force flower to determine sex you should do the now.. Like stop reading this and go now... Your not going.... Sorry.. Wake and bake.. All sorts of stupid.. But im serious about wanting to do that soon.. It takes about a week to root and about 2 weeks to see sex... So thats 3 weeks total to know the sex... You should flower soon too... Plants double to triple in size, and because you dont have a lot of space keeping a smaller plant is important...

Personally here is what i would do.. Take your cuttings and start rooting them today... When they are rooted and transplanted give them 24 hours of straight dark and then start them on 12/12... The 24 hours will help the onset of flowering and speed sexing up by about 5-7 days...

Meanwhile you should top of fim your plants.. Something to stunt growth for about a week... After you clones have been in 12/12 for 1 week, which should be about 2 weeks from today, you should put your other plants into 12/12 also... Within a week of that, which will be 2 weeks from when clones hit 12/12, you should know all the sexs of the plants you have and can pull the males out even before preflowers show... Some preflowers maybe already be showing.. But its not a big deal...
dude you know to much bout growing this stuff