5 weeks into flowering, nutrient problems


New Member

I am a first time grower and I am 5 weeks into flowering, with 400W HPS light, soil and 2 gallon pots. I had a nutrient problem while in veg state and I added Epsom Salt and calcium and the problem went away. Now 2 weeks ago (3 weeks into flowring) I started having yellow leaves and brown spots, so I flushed the plants (with 3-4 gallons of water for each plant), and removed all the bad leaves hoping that it will fix the problem.

However, as you see in the pics below, the problem is not gone and more leaves are turning bad. I used flowering fert 15-30-15 every other watering with a PH tap water of 6.5-6.8.

I have 3 strains, White Widow, Northern Lights and Jack Herer. The light is about 12 inches from NL and 6 inches from JH. The WW is doing best, JH and NL not so good.

Here are the pics (the leaves look a bit more yellow in the pics due to the light, but they are yellow and light green).

2 pics of the Jack Herer with the brown spots:


1 pic of the Jack Herer with the brown and crisp part of the leave:

1 pic of the Northern Lights with brown leaves and tiny buds that doesn't grow.


Thank you for your help



First off I'd say 6" is too close to a 400w bulb but you could be air cooled I dunno, secondly what flower fert has those npk values seems pretty high to me but i just run biobizz with pk13/14 booster. I had those yellow leaves brown spot problems on my first grow, look into using some dolomite lime in your soil mix for the next grow, will save you alot of bother.

big bud 56

Active Member
That does not look good.
Your nutes are wrong no matter how much you flush.
I think that with proper nutes and some luck you should be able to turn your planfs around.
the right nutes are key to having a good grow with a nice yield.
Please purchase a three part nute program for best results.
You are only about half way into flower stage so you might be able to turn those around.
Good luck

I am a first time grower and I am 5 weeks into flowering, with 400W HPS light, soil and 2 gallon pots. I had a nutrient problem while in veg state and I added Epsom Salt and calcium and the problem went away. Now 2 weeks ago (3 weeks into flowring) I started having yellow leaves and brown spots, so I flushed the plants (with 3-4 gallons of water for each plant), and removed all the bad leaves hoping that it will fix the problem.

However, as you see in the pics below, the problem is not gone and more leaves are turning bad. I used flowering fert 15-30-15 every other watering with a PH tap water of 6.5-6.8.

I have 3 strains, White Widow, Northern Lights and Jack Herer. The light is about 12 inches from NL and 6 inches from JH. The WW is doing best, JH and NL not so good.

Here are the pics (the leaves look a bit more yellow in the pics due to the light, but they are yellow and light green).

2 pics of the Jack Herer with the brown spots:
View attachment 2921696

View attachment 2921697

1 pic of the Jack Herer with the brown and crisp part of the leave:
View attachment 2921700

1 pic of the Northern Lights with brown leaves and tiny buds that doesn't grow.

View attachment 2921698

Thank you for your help


Well-Known Member
Hi, the Figures for the Nutes does seem high, but each Brand is different? - "I used flowering fert 15-30-15 every other watering"
which I think should of been fine, but the NPK does seem high...at what Ratio did you dilute this? don't know if any help..But I have read in many Posts to not go by the Label on the bottle..IE if it states X Amount per Ltr of water than Half this for first few feeds and then increase the dosage. I use BIOBIZZ and always use less then the stated dose.



Active Member
I noticed you are using soil. So you're using soil AND feeding your plants 15-30-15? Depending on the ratio's you're giving your plant, you could have burned your roots pretty good, which is causing the brown spots and growth problems.

Flushing might only make the problem worse in soil, depending on the nutrient concentration in the soil; adding water releases nutrients which your plants uptake.

Just keep an eye on your plants on don't feed anymore nutrients for about a week--maybe even two if needed. Since your plants need leaves for energy to make flowers, and since at week five they aren't putting any energy into growing new leaves, try not to cut anymore leaves off unless they are pretty much dead and/or falling off the plant naturally.

Especially with the Jack Herer since it will have quite a bit left to go.

As for nutrients, three parts sounds like too much, and will just add to the learning curve which I don't think you'd want to do this late in flowering. If I could suggest something to try for your next grow, I'd suggest a complete solution, such as Dyna-Gro. Amazing results--hands down. One bottle of veg. nutrients can actually get you through veg AND flower; no fancy "bloom candies," "finishers," calmag or micro-nutrients needed--it's all in one bottle more/less. And no more "quesswork." Bloom is good also. Dyna Gro products are very gentle on plants and it helps a newbie like me grow like a pro! ;-)


Well-Known Member
I can't tell the color of the damage, but it looks burned to me.
Can you take some pics with normal light?