5 wk old plants having a few peoblems

I have 4 five wk old plants i started in the window 2with dirt from outside two with soil fert mix i got from my uncle i had them in the window 3wks then the bathroom a wk on the 5th wk i transfered them to a fish tank with miracle grow potting mix i seperated the tank with card board 4 ways i have 3 lamps with 100w white light in each and 100w white light in the ceiling of closet the two i startd from reg dirt are growing slow compared to my other two the first row of leaves shrivled but rest of plant starting to look good since under the 100w light18/6 timing and the two from soil fert mix are taller one ten inches the other 1foot but they had a few brown yellow burn lookin spots i clipped the spots off the leaves they are lookin a little better then i checked them 2hrs after lights on today one is startin to roll on the topleaves like a blunt rolling up the ligt is an inch and a half away from top of plant please give me tips on what to do also can i start 12/12 flwering at 8wks will post pics soon i figure out how


Active Member
click on "go advanced" down by the post quick reply. scroll down below the post windows and there will be manage attachments. upload pictures from ur camera and post them.
i have an android phone no computer i cant figure out how to upload pics but u can check out the videos i put on youtube just type famfamillion on the search
7wks and starting to look better i have a few burn spots and a couple shrivled leaves at the bottom im gessing from the miracle grow nutes in the potting mix i used im not gone hit em wit some real nutes when i start 12/12 and transfer im bout to upload another youtube video dont know how to do it on here check me out search youtube famfamillion let me know what u think about my ghetto grow
Just turned 9wks from bag seed i clipped fan leaves started 12/12 flowering yesterday looking healthy i got 3 26w cfls and 100w white light im thinkin bout adding 1 more big light need advice on which light to choose also which nutes should i go grab that will go with the miracle grow potting mix i used also my girlfrfriend brought me some mulch like fertalizer can i mix a little with my plantd or lay on top layer check me out on youtube type (famfamillion) on the seaech