50/50 Coco/Peat mix for base super soil

Billy the Mountain

Well-Known Member
Biggest issue for me is after one wants to recycle their mix, peat is completely broken down, doesn’t change consistency over time. Where coco after a few runs turns to mud. And becomes hard to work with.
Re-cycling is one of the reasons I've used coco in recent years instead of rockwool.
You can eliminate most of the fine "silt" by rinsing it through a pasta strainer. Afterward, it's consistency looks just like fresh coco to my untrained eye.
On average, I'm able to recycle about half of the used coco. I mix new with the old for the next round of growing.
I've been doing so for the past few years without incident, it's saved me a few bricks of coco. It's not really about the cost savings, rather the principle of not discarding otherwise useful material.

* One thing I've found is that it's much easier to separate the coco from the roots if allowed to completely dry out first.