
Well-Known Member
my 400 watt hps puts out like 55,000 lumens. it cost me 194 best buy i ever made. i also use 2 100 watt hps lamps for side lighting. i have 6 more 1 ft 1 tube t8 floros but i dont think it will even matter, there can be too much light right? is 55,000 plus whatever the 100 s put off plenty for a 3 by 3 by 5 space?


Well-Known Member
The 500w equivalent means nothing to us, it isn't even half of what a 150hps can do. One hps or halide security light at any local home center would have been a better deal. 150w hps throws 16000 lumens and would have been cheaper.

All you have there is two 65w flourescents, no big deal and not the best light for growing or anything. You bought into marketing hype and didn't even get anywhere near the most lumens for your dollar or the best deal. At the time this thread was started you could have had two 150w hps's from econolight for $54 shipped which would have given you 30,000 lumens for the same money you spent to get 12k.