54 Days Flowering - White Berry - Is she done yet?



potent looking bud. however poor harvest. how long did yu veg for

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
potent looking bud. however poor harvest. how long did yu veg for
I agree completely. The bud itself is probably one of the best I've ever seen and I am sure it will be some of the best smoke I have had.

I only vegged for 2.5 weeks under CFL's and flouros to get her about 4-6'' tall. At first I thought I was going to have a much more limited time to grow and wanted to get her into the 2 month flowering stage as fast as possible. Now I look back and know that I should have vegged with more lighting for 5-6 weeks. If I ever do grow again I won't make the same mistake. Hopefully, next time I can grow them out in veg for a long time and get about an ounce a plant.

White berry is a great strain, but for only picking a single plant she was not the best pick. Live and learn :peace:


well you learn from your mistakes.....just veg longer. however plus rep on the SUCCESSFULL grow and knolidge picked up


Well-Known Member
lol an o for yield guestimation? I am seeing more like 10 grams at most dried out.
Almost right. Lol "stupid estimate" More like "stupid first timer". Jk but really lol.

Good job and hope you enjoy that berry.

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
At first I thought I was lookin at about 7 g's then I had comments ranging from 10-20g's on multiple threads from guys that all had about 500+ post. This boosted my confidence that the nug would be denser and hold more weight. Of course, this boost of confidence in yield led me to the wrong conclusion. I did call out that post in true belief that I would yield more at that point. What can I say I'm an asshole and could care less.

I feel like I finally can grow mj successfullly now. It's been a little adventure getting to this point and I loved the ride. I can't wait to get back into growin in the future. If the laws weren't so strict I would be growin year round. Damn government.. I need some of that cali legislation out on the east coast haha

She has been curing for about a week and the smell is amazing. It is so different then the regular stuff I deal with. When I open the jar the room is filled with a berry scent, but when I smell the bud it has a lemony scent. It lingers with dankness and I can not wait till this bud is fully cured and I can really get the full smell of white berry. Such an awesome strain

I got some pictures of some of the bud in the top. The first is prob the best



Well-Known Member
lol an o for yield guestimation? I am seeing more like 10 grams at most dried out.
That's what I was thinking. This looks smaller than most of mine and I get 14 grams at most.

I will say that top bud looks mighty good - nice and dense.


Well-Known Member
any update on this? i am very interested in the smoke report? how long did you flower for? when did you harvest? how cloudy were the trichos?


New Member
is there an update on this??
any update on this? i am very interested in the smoke report? how long did you flower for? when did you harvest? how cloudy were the trichos?

Little Obsessed are we?

It's okay. I am too. Mr. Crescendo sir. You must obey this bitch. lol.

I got some pictures of some of the bud in the top. The first is prob the best
It is. Nice work. If you liked this strain I know you'd love TGA gear. It's so easy to get and It's mostly candy like dank. Your Whiteberry is good.


Well-Known Member
I was given 4 white berry clones that I immediately put into my flowering room. It is about 40 days and its an amazing looking plant. It's very frosty already and has a great smell. The yield will be very low unfortunately.

I would diffently like to get my hands on some more so I could veg for awhile and see an increased yield. Can not wait to smoke some this sure is an impressive looking strain.

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
any update on this? i am very interested in the smoke report? how long did you flower for? when did you harvest? how cloudy were the trichos?
Hello again. I left this site right after I finished growing due to my busy life. I was back here today remembering my growing days. Ok, to answer your questions..

Smoke report: The smoke was soft on my lungs, really easy to hold in. The exhale, flavorful, unique, amazing. This bud was what I have been striving to smoke all my life. Of course, there are many great strains out there, but wow I enjoyed every second of this. My curing jar to this day smells like berries. It is epic! To summarize, the smoke was easy on the lungs, almost pure. I believe this has a lot to do with my organic grow style. The flavor was berry-like but had A lot of flavor. I have had many different headies this summer and have yet to get an amazing fruity punch like whiteberry has to offer.

I believe I ended up flowering for approximately 65 days. I only vegged for about 15 days, so this was a little under 3 month grow. I've read a lot of grows and know of very little grows that were completed in this short of a time. I of course did not have a high yield like most of you guys, but that is ok. My only regret, I want more haha

The trichs were about 60% cloudy, 20% clear, 20% amber. This was perfect and I could feel the different buzzes on different parts of the cola.

The high of this plant is great. I would take 1-2 hits in the morning and be wide awake and ready to go into life with a fun buzz. At night I would smoke a lot at once (gbeep) and it would knock me on my ass. It was a unique buzz that I have only experienced from white berry. I look forward to the next time I can be intoxicated in its herbal powers.

I'll be online here and there so feel free to ask as many questions as you want. I'm here to help after everyone helped me get through my grow. I know it's a great experience that we should all have.

These pictures make me regret smoking all the bud haha One day I will have more. Two thumbs up to any grower of whiteberry! :weed: