55 lights off


Well-Known Member
hi and welcome,
I have 15 plants in to the 5-6 week flowering
my problem is the cold!
they are ok when lights on 2x600watt hps (overnight)
but during the day they have been hitting 55f
thuis has only been a problem for the last week,
is this a big problem?


Active Member
From what Ive heard below 50 causes problems I'm around that myself I just got a cheap heater put it on low and it kicks on and off when needed. Not a huge investment better to be safe then sorry:bigjoint: Good Luck with the temps


Well-Known Member
the heater i got is 1800 watt to much i cant find a low watt heater that swiches off when at right temp


Well-Known Member
They are all going to draw a ton of juice while they are on, its just the nature of the heater. That is unless you go with some kind of propane heater or something of the sort - but I sure as hell wouldn't recommend that.

If your space is small enough a small one, set low to keep the temps in the low 60's at night wont draw that much overall.


Well-Known Member
get the type of system that burns shit and puts out co2 at the same time. i forget what its called. heat, co2, and maybe cheaper than electric?