55b's Bagseed Grow. 150w HPS.


Active Member
Hello and welcome to my thread.

I recently acquired a 150W HPS and finished a 3+month flower of a 5ft tall sativa running off of 6 CFLs with only 2 being the 2700 color. Needless to say, its buds were really sparse picked too early and really hairy. got really big and I didn't top it or anything. Had to bend the fucker almost to the ground to fit under the CFLs. Anyways onto the current build.

This is an attempt to re-do and apply knowledge to this grow.

I am using two seperate areas to grow.

The first room has 6 26w CFLs for new seedlings and hopefully to use on a mother plant if I can do it correctly.

The second room has a 150w HPS and I plan on using it for flowering.

I am using a Lambert potting mix w/ some Jiffy seed starting mix added to it.

I adjust every bit of water from the 8.1 out of my tap into 6.3-.5 and allow it to sit for atleast 3 hours.

I have miracle grow Bloom Booster and All Purpose nuts for the different stages etc.

Alright, I got one sprout from my first 4 bag seeds.

The first 2 days I wasn't around for much and had to rush to take care of it.
I checked it today and still nothing, so I went digging.
Turns out that it had sprouted and gotten burried due to my vigorous watering.
I rescued it today, removed the dirt from the top and its peeking up now.
I have 6 more seeds I just started, hopefully more plants to come by the time my new camera is acquired.

Now to the pics I uploaded.
Pic 1 is my sprout I uncovered today, her name shall be Flower.
Pic 2 is the inside of the first space with the CFLs
Pic 3 is the outside of my second space.
Pic 4 is the inside of my second space.

Comments, tips concerns please post. I'll be updating and acquiring a new camera next week with hopefully more sprouts. Wish me luck. :leaf:


Active Member
Well good afternoon everyone! Its day 2.
I just got back from sitting with little Flower, teaching her the ways of the cabinet and sharing her first bowl with me.

I watched her while she awoke to the first few hours of the lights on her for today, stretching her little leaves like a tired little child. :joint:

There she is this wonderFULL afternoon. I also have a good amount of seeds germing. Looking to get atleast afew out of em'.



Active Member
im scribed for this one dude, ill offer any advice i can along the way. ill start with this. i have found that the smaller the space you grow in, and this aplies more to cfls and straight tube floros than hps and mh i think, the better your growth is going to be. how big is your veg area and how big is your flower area?


Active Member
Good afternoon everyone! Just got finished watering my little Flower, still no nutes. Thinking next watering she will get a small dose.

Its GREAT to see some subscribers. I'll be sure to keep updated and keep it all nice and detailed.

I checked my seeds (all bag seed) and still no sprouts day 2. Using paper towel method.

Okay, my flowering room is 2x2x4.5ft (WxDxH), my veg space is 1x1.5x4ft.

Pic 1: Flower, her little leaves are perked right up to that light.
Pic 2: Thats her height, still no stretching. Vigorously keeping those lights nearby.
Pic 3: The seeds I'm germing. Maybe we're looking at a few future friends there.



Active Member
Good afternoon everyone! Just got finished watering my little Flower, still no nutes. Thinking next watering she will get a small dose.

Its GREAT to see some subscribers. I'll be sure to keep updated and keep it all nice and detailed.

I checked my seeds (all bag seed) and still no sprouts day 2. Using paper towel method.

Okay, my flowering room is 2x2x4.5ft (WxDxH), my veg space is 1x1.5x4ft.

Pic 1: Flower, her little leaves are perked right up to that light.
Pic 2: Thats her height, still no stretching. Vigorously keeping those lights nearby.
Pic 3: The seeds I'm germing. Maybe we're looking at a few future friends there.
sounds like the areas are about the right size, just remember that they are going to double if not triple in size durring flowering.


Active Member
sounds like the areas are about the right size, just remember that they are going to double if not triple in size durring flowering.
Oh yes a lesson that I learned very well my first grow. Sativa grows real tall.:weed:

I'm not sure how tall I'll grow them, but I am thinking I'll try to Top them at either 2 weeks or when they get their 6th true node. Which ever comes first or feels more correct to me at the time one comes up.

Would it be difficult to top and LST one plant while super cropping another plant in the same grow? Is one more likely to form hermies then the other?

For instance, if I were to get a sativa, I think I'd want to top it because I don't want a giant christmas tree like last time, and maybe I'd supercrop an Indicta but, most likely I'd want to top that one too.


Active Member
Well everyone here is a mid day update.

I checked my row of beans and within hours of going above my lights in my veg room I got 3 really healthy looking roots coming out of 3 beans! So I planted them next to Flower and added another light to the inside so now its 4 running out of 6.



Well-Known Member
Little flower looks like she needs a sister...Lonely little thing :(

Dont let her be lonely. If you are send her my way she'll have company :D


Active Member
Little flower looks like she needs a sister...Lonely little thing :(

Dont let her be lonely. If you are send her my way she'll have company :D
Oh hopefully she will have a very large family and who knows, she may just be the genetic giver to a race of clones.


Well-Known Member
Im planning on crossing my indica with one of the other girls personally. I think cloning gets a little too annoying at about the changing water every day part.


Active Member
Got any methods for a controlled minor seed harvest?
I'd love to try to go away from the cloning idea, but I'm just not sure how to put only a few seeds in a harvest without fucking every bud up.


Well-Known Member
This is the "Secret" formula 1 male + ziplock bag + shake - male + female bud + second shake = seed


Active Member
Oh yes a lesson that I learned very well my first grow. Sativa grows real tall.:weed:

I'm not sure how tall I'll grow them, but I am thinking I'll try to Top them at either 2 weeks or when they get their 6th true node. Which ever comes first or feels more correct to me at the time one comes up.

Would it be difficult to top and LST one plant while super cropping another plant in the same grow? Is one more likely to form hermies then the other?

For instance, if I were to get a sativa, I think I'd want to top it because I don't want a giant christmas tree like last time, and maybe I'd supercrop an Indicta but, most likely I'd want to top that one too.
i have found that i like topping or fimming for indicas and lst for sativas. sativas seem to love lst, they just blow up and have a zillion tops to them. and you can keep them fairly short with it too. and i dont think its too much of a pain to use 2 or even 3 methods to keeps them short, just depends on the plant for me. i belive you've seen my sativa, that one was lsted thru veg and into the beggining of flower( about 60 days). the indica in my flower box was lsted, then topped after the lst, due to a light falling from the sky and landing on it.


Active Member
Good afternoon everyone once again. Tomorrow I get my camera in, and then there should be some better pictures floating around this thread.

I checked this morning, and little Flower is perked right up showing her leaves and the second set starting to show. I think thats how you would describe them.

The other 3, aren't popped from the soil yet. I think it got a little too cold for them. So I'm turning the fan off and using the latest addition to my set up, a paint tray and a grate to catch water and send it back up. :leaf:

Okay so in this picture you see a little more of my set up. I left the drawer brackets in and kept the shell of the drawers. That along with adjustable lights leaves very little space between the seedlings and the light at any given time. Unless they get bigger then the cab, which is the issue I had last time.



Well-Known Member
I think im going to have that same issue. Sounds kind of fucked up but im hoping for a male or 2.


Active Member
I think im going to have that same issue. Sounds kind of fucked up but im hoping for a male or 2.
Do you mean a height issue? If thats the case begin LST before the stalk gets too tall. Plus the additional light to body of the plant will increase yield alot.

I kind of want a male too, maybe not as much as a female but it won't be that bad if I get one. So all I do is baggie the male flower and shake to collect and then put that over a flower site to pollinate? How long would I have to let the male live for before I collect, and how long should I let the flower bud for on the female before I harvest the seed?


Well-Known Member
fuck that!! cloning is the way to go!!! Personnally I would love to never have to start a seed again!!!! Cant believe no one here likes to clone!!! first time I did it was successful and I love it plan on doing it some more, then MORE then EVEN MORE!! once you grow a strain of bud the second or third time you do it you can figure out exactly how long you should let it go and what you should all do to it, that is where I like cloning the most, same strains sticks around and all ya have to do is buy 1 seed!


Well-Known Member
As for males you REALLY have to watch them because there clubs open individually at diffirent times. As for the bud, Just let it mature as normal. Theres an article around here somewhere (well a lot of them) about it. By the way I am going to top/LST but im worried about width not height.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean a height issue? If thats the case begin LST before the stalk gets too tall. Plus the additional light to body of the plant will increase yield alot.

I kind of want a male too, maybe not as much as a female but it won't be that bad if I get one. So all I do is baggie the male flower and shake to collect and then put that over a flower site to pollinate? How long would I have to let the male live for before I collect, and how long should I let the flower bud for on the female before I harvest the seed?
fuck them seeds! grow some females and CLONE THEM!!!!!