55b's Bagseed Grow. 150w HPS.


Active Member
Alrighty, been REAL busy. And couldn't find my camera...

So here's day 19/15 from my phone.





Miami Heat (I'm keeping the seed on the stem as long as possible, my palm tree! XD).

Carmella JR.: She started out just like Carmella in looks. Hoping she'll be even better!

Everyone under HPS (They will be main focus of this journal, not my other space).


Active Member
Lets start off with PICTURES! My girls are so pretty, I just gotta show ya! :weed:

Flower: She's picking up, looking great. When I transplanted her... well... she had a very poor root system, unlike anything I had ever had before. Maybe she will pick up, but I think she strangled herself out of the shell or something.

Carmella: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... She looks amazing, drinking water alot I think. Maybe I need to water her, don't feel like doing it now. Maybe after I top her.

Lady: Lookin crippled as usual. Lol. Man I fucked that plant up!

Fuddles: Doing very good, lacking personality to me. She just sits there and looks like a pot plant.

Miami Heat: This is one of my new additions. It grew and kept its seed, I look at it like its little security blanket thing. It'll be gone when it gets older. I hope.

Carmella JR: Not as frosty as Carmella was, but it could be because of a lack of blue from lights.

Almost time to top? I think I might top them right before beddie time tonight. If I top them, could I put their tops into some cloning gel and into some cubes for a clone?


Active Member
Almost time to top? I think I might top them right before beddie time tonight. If I top them, could I put their tops into some cloning gel and into some cubes for a clone?
I think that you might be a bit early on the topping and no the tops you cut will not grow to young , I topped mine early on my last grow and they took awhile to come back I would wait another week didn't you just transplant them ? Too much stress at one time will either kill them or hermie them . Just lookin out for ya bro lookin good though keep up the good work and you will be rewarded !!! Peace


Active Member
I think that you might be a bit early on the topping and no the tops you cut will not grow to young , I topped mine early on my last grow and they took awhile to come back I would wait another week didn't you just transplant them ? Too much stress at one time will either kill them or hermie them . Just lookin out for ya bro lookin good though keep up the good work and you will be rewarded !!! Peace
Thank you sir! Thats a life saver!
I didn't even think about the stress of replanting them.
After reading your PM maybe topping wouldn't be the best bet on all of my plants. Should I be doing any of that stuff before I know what sex my girlies are?


Active Member
It all depends on you and what you want to make out of your grow !! If you want to keep a good trait in one of the strains you have I would clone as soon as it showed sex I'm going to try the super cropping and LST on this new grow I have a bunch of clones that I took like 3 weeks into flower and I thought they were dead but they weren't it takes way longer in that state to clone !!! But anyway If you want wait a couple weeks and take a few clones and if you decide to top chop chop !!!! With that many plants your should have a few females so I wouldn't worry about waiting for the sex its up to you !! Good Luck and if you need help I'm here . Peace


Active Member
Oh okay! I see Flower just wanted a bigger pot to expand her delicate roots.

Flower: Her leaves are getting bigger and she is growing a little more rapidly, she loves her new pot.

Carmella: Carmella is just loving the light! She stands straight up and absorbs every second of light every day possible. I had her out from directly under the light for 2 minutes for feeding and she really started to lean twords the light.

Lady: She is thinning down, looking pretty bad, but growing! So all is not lost.

Fuddles: Doing the best, most advanced growth wise but pretty on par with carmella. So that is hopefull that it is not a male, or they are both males.

Miami Heat & Carmella Jr.


Active Member
Well its day 22/19. I decided to take my torch and a screwdriver and poke some holes in fuddles pot. Lets see how she did from this morning eh?
I think its almost time to put them into flowering light schedule.

Flower: Flower is definitely branching out, both because of Newports enocurgment and the new pot and the new stronger lights.

Carmella: Carmella is doing great! She is looking so fucking good, and doing great. Gonna wait a minute before I chop her head off.

Lady: Lady is looking pretty bleak, but recovering. She sits next to Fuddles in the lineup so I guess thats gonna be expected.

Fuddles: I tied Fuddles down and she was right against the ground this morning. Now she is perked up right along the bend. Might just end up LSTing more then just one after what I read about topping/FIMing, but I still want to try those.


Well-Known Member
Topping looks VERY promising from my plants. Jizzy shot up 2 inches during the 24 hours of darkness and the 2 i topped did that PLUS shot out sideways a good 4 inches. One of them even actually went up about 4 inches during the darkness.


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Okay, lack of updates...
-Not spending much time with my girls lately, they've been set to their own doings.
-Carmella happened to pick up a MG deficiency during said time.
-The 6 little ones, Miami Heat and Carmella Jr are doing better then the 4 going right now did in their time.
-Fuddles has traits in that I think resemble a female, as in those 2 thingies where the hairs should come out are bowing twords eachother.
-Whereas the other 3 have them spaced pretty far apart now, and sticking at pretty good angles off of the stem, but bowing away from themselves.
-Just watered everyone
-Flower is doing amazing, I have a fan blowing directly on her because of space limitations and a need to get the heat off of the tops of my girls.

Anyone got any feedback?
I'm thinking I'll pinch the hell out of Lady because she isn't really side branching much. Infact I might do that in a hour or two.


Active Member
:joint: Happy Friday everyone!

Last night I did a few changes to my plants.
I no longer think I want to top any of them, because of early abuse.
So here's what I did!

I tied Fuddles down again, she is now starting that circle around the pot. I wonder, should I continue to tie her down during flowering? Or should I FIM her top? Or should I just let her grow straight up?

Carmella got FIM'd! I spread her newest growth down the the smallest bud I could and attempted a U shape with a razor blade. Took out one of her sides but its not bad. I still expect results.

And Flower I'm supercropping. I pinched her pretty tight, she dropped down to a 90 degree and this morning she's picked right back up. Maybe I should do it again, I might.

Lady didn't really change any, I'm want to lollipop her, but I want to be sure of sex first before I do that. So 1 week after lights off I'm going to do it and clone who I need to. Wish me luck! :D:peace:



Active Member
Well good afternoon everyone! I come with a beautiful bounty of happiness today! Woke up in a good mood, spreadin' the happy! :hug: Haaaaaaa!

The room definitely has the beautiful Aroma of weed now, not very strong or overpowering yet. But I suspect when I start to flower them I'm in for a surprise.

Got some Phish playing, alrighty then! Onto the business! After this bowl :peace:.

This is my girl Flower. I pinched her twice in the same spot, I think that really fucked her up because she's all spindly now. :fire: Now grow!
Carmella, this is her. :clap: I FIM'd her, and really did miss. Hahaa! She'll be cool though, more character that way. She's stinkin'! Phew! :peace:
Lady is the only one that I didn't fuck with yet. Going to probably lollipop her once I find out her gender. If its a female I'll lollipop and try to clone 'em. If not, either chop chop or I'll grow her in the other cab... I'm not sure I like the genetics right now though, doubt I'd want its seeds compared to any other plants, but I suppose... if its needed.
Fuddles is just wooooooo :weed:! She's growin in a nice spiral around the pot, I'm about to tie her down right after this post again. She's doing good, once confirmation of her sex I might snip the bottom leaves off that barely get much light and keep em for clones.


Active Member
As per title...

I really like this LST business. I think it may be something I do from now on... None of the other methods are doing anything for me yet. Topping might but I don't know if I should or not on Lady...


Active Member
Awesome! Glad to have ya aboard!
I wonder what she will be, male or female she will make a contribution to the cause.


Active Member
As per title...
View attachment 738573

I really like this LST business. I think it may be something I do from now on... None of the other methods are doing anything for me yet. Topping might but I don't know if I should or not on Lady...
dont count out topping/fimming yet, wait till you try it on a nice thick indica strain and you will love it. but i feel ya on lst, one of my favorite yield increasing methods. just be sure to lolipop the lst ones with that lower wattage light or you will end up with tons of popcorn buds and small colas. good luck, ill be watching.


Active Member
Day 29/26 everyone. Hopefully tonight in a few minutes my timer will go off and shut my lights off. 8am on, 8pm off. Its flower time everyone, I'm going to skip the 24 of darkness.... well, because its very difficult for me to use these digital timers and they don't seem to work properly.
For instance, it SAYS that its on. I press program and everything, they just won't shut off sometimes. So I'll deal with it, and I'm sure the difference is minimal.

Flower: Look at that supercrop job, she is loving the highway of nutrients she is getting now.
Carmella: She smells SO GOOD! Its real strong and hits you in the face like a cloud of smoke.
Lady: Or should I say... man? Eh I'm not gonna jynx anything, but man is Lady lanky.
Fuddles: She smells even STRONGER then Carmella. The LST is working wonders, she is side branching and able to have a real intense closeness to the HPS on all parts of her equally opposed to it getting weaker in lower branches.