The Oxford Dictionary defines
"OMG" as:
An informal exclamation used to express shock, disbelief, or excitement.
This strain has been nearly exactly that, an exclamation of my shock and excitement. I want you all to keep in mind that THIS has been my first hydroponic adventure by myself, I have almost always been aided by a close friend of mine who passed away in March. This is also my own strain/cross, and though I know the genetics, I had never popped any of 'em before coming into this, so I didn't know exactly what to expect....
Out of 5 seeds I was blessed with 5 females, it could have been a tough choice, but I had 1 definite front runner from the start. I didn't know what exactly I was doing with the whole 12/12 from seed thing, this has been my first shot at that too! As calyxes swelled and trichomes began to shine it was clear my decision was correct. I added in some raw natural quartz crystal pyramids and woke them daily to bird song (a cell phone with 15 minutes of bird sounds for an alarm tone). I believe it helped, even if you don't! As I watched like a kid waiting for sea monkeys to hatch, I awed in disbelief as the ENTIRE plant turned into
Slowly and surely, as she got fatter, stickier, and ooh so stanky, contestants dropped like fungus gnats.... We went from about 50 to about 15 in what seemed like only 5-6 weeks (actually closer to 10 weeks).... As the stage cleared it opened up light to all the contestants that decided to bring their "A" game... Its only a question of who brought their "A+" game now.... As contenders stepped up to chop down, I knew I had a special girl, I knew had to wait as long as I could...
Clear, to milky, to amber SO slowly it was driving me batty! She decided that she was done foxtailing just as I had gotten up the nerve to lock her ass up in a dark closet, so away she went! She sat for nearly 48 hours before I checked on her.... right about 35% amber! Damn near where I had wanted her to be! Down she came!
It took almost a whole 5 days that she hung to get to about 50% RH...
I Figured
"I'll cut it off the stems, then a quick weight check, then off to jar... put my cup on the scale, tare it, dump my haul..... Wait..?!? That can't be right?! Lemme zero it out again really quick.... dump the cup out, zero the scale again, gently put my crispy buds back in the cup...?!?!? HOLY SHIT SON! Not just an ounce but MORE than an ounce!"
Its been curing for nearing 2 weeksish, I say its time for a sample!
I smell into my jar------ Like a very smooth pine-sol type cleaner with a slight hint of some sort of ripe red berry----- Mmmmm.... One more! ------snnnfff----

As the crisp crunch between my fingers exudes a sharp warm odor like that of a mating skunk that just ran through a guerilla garden in full flower, I can only imagine EVERYONE in my apartment smells its rich mouth watering aroma.... Into my favorite water apparatus she goes! Well if I can ever get it off of my fingers! Each crumb sticks to my thumb and index finger as if it thinks that some how this will stop the inevitable. Sticky or not, I care less and brush it off on my pant leg, I smell it emanating from the freshly packed bong bowl.....

I slide a Bic out from my right front pocket, it strikes on the first try, a good omen. I lean forward and bring flame to the sweet fruit of my labor. As I inhale a warm flavor of hash covered berries coats my palate, I hold it. The warmth flows through my chest, I stand after inhaling the last little bit that my lungs can take.... Hold it for just one more second..... AHHHHHHH!!!!
I sit back down and relax, The exhale taste is definitely a strong pine, and now almost overpowering the inhale. I LOVE IT! I pass it over to my wife, Like a champ she blows out a fatter cloud than mine.... "Babe is this some kind of Christmas tree weed?" She smiles, I can always tell when she likes my weed! " I like it a lot! You should go pick up some more before its gone!" She explains to me....
Long story short, EVERYONE that has smoked some has asked me for more of it, and I'm not sharing anymore!
Strain: OMG
Medium: Miniature DWC
Nutrients: General Hydroponics "Flora Nova" Grow and bloom
Germination Date: 8-24-2014
Date Of Harvest: 11-16-2014
Days To Harvest: 84
Yield: 28.8 grams!
Lighting: 600 watt Apollo horticulture HPS bulb and ballast
Flavor 9/10 Fruitty yet hashy
Smell 8.5/10 Don't open a bag around anyone you aren't willing to share with!
Potency 8/10 Sets on slowly at first, but like a shot putter winding up, all it takes is just a quick second, then like a ton of bricks it knocks you into the couch and locks you right there for just long enough
Bag Appeal 8/10 Though the purple doesn't shine through, the trichomes speak for themselves! In a fold over bag 3.5 grams of cured OMG looks more like 6 or 7 grams.... A damn near perfect 2 finger bag!
Overall 8.25/10 Many of the other contestants have such beautiful girls its hard to say that mine is better, I have been growing and smoking for more than 15 years, I have come across some serious dank, and serious schwag.... I base my overall on more than a collective average of the other scores, I based it on my experience as a smoker. This is a heavy hitting sleepy time indica that more than helps my insominia, and aches and pains from arthritis. I hope that the other dozen seeds I have of this give me at least one more of this pheno!
Great Job guys I hope that everyone had fun and learned something new. I hope as well that your smoke is as amazing as it is in picture!