5wk Grapeape and Bagseed CFL Journal. SMARTPOTS! 12/12 starts tonight


Active Member
Heh, you have fallen head over heals for your girls. They look great. I'm cheering for the bagseed. :hump:
Haha Im trying to keep these memories forever! Cause I know this will be the first of many more to come.

And the bagseed is dooing quite well for itself considering the grape apes are taking up most of the room. I wish I would have left it outside but now its far too late :(

Its all good tho!


Active Member
Alright guys. Earlier this week I picked up some Dream Queen [Blue Green x Space Queen] at Blue Sky Coffee Shop in Oakland. I love that place you can get in and out real fast and they have the best prices, not much of a selection but its always some kill.

Well all I have to say is that its some real good sativa. Which is what I'm always looking for at the dispensaries.

Check out this pics my girl took. I'm gonna try and rig her up some good type of lighting for her macro shots



Active Member
Update 4 Weeks 3 days

Alright watered them yesterday.

3 1/4 Tsp Sensibloom Part A & B
1/2 Tsp Dark Energy

Bud are still filling up but what i really noticed is the bagseeds main cola is really filling out very quickly. Only concern I have as of now is the yellowing of the lower leaves. Is that normal? Check out the pics!!



Active Member
pablo- thanks for the info. i was getting a little worried. I pluck alot of the one that came off super easily. I cant wait to hit them with koolboom or overdrive then they will really start packing on some weight.

rudy.racoon- thanks alot man! i always enjoy praise lol :) Keep me updated on that CFL grow of yours. Mine are doing well for such a little amount of CFL's. We'll see how they do in a few weeks.
Alright guys. Earlier this week I picked up some Dream Queen [Blue Green x Space Queen] at Blue Sky Coffee Shop in Oakland. I love that place you can get in and out real fast and they have the best prices, not much of a selection but its always some kill.

Well all I have to say is that its some real good sativa. Which is what I'm always looking for at the dispensaries.

Check out this pics my girl took. I'm gonna try and rig her up some good type of lighting for her macro shots
call/email oakland city council and tell them not to add a 5% tax on top of the 9.5% state tax the legal mmj shops add and pay to the state already


Active Member
4 weeks 6 Days

Just finished flushing today I noticed something weird tho. On one of the grape ape plants the top's leaves are kinda spotting yellow. [VERY LIGHT THO] You can probably see it in the pics. Other than that they are great! Next week I hit them with some Overdrive and hopefully they really start packing on weight :weed:

Check out the pics!

And if anyone can tell me whats causing the mild spottage would be great :)

(last 3 pics you can see it the most)

