5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
londoner do you have any pics of earley male sex signs coz if wat i think is a male turns out to be a male i wana get it outa ther soon as pos.


Well-Known Member
Im afraid i dont, no, iv been growing from fem seed for quite a while now so i havnt had any males recently and iv only started taking pics of my plants since i started coming on these sites, il get you a pic tho, but in the mean time this is what a female pre flower looks like.



Well-Known Member
Male pre flower ( i love google image search lol)

Then they start to form into clusters of pre flowers (balls) i always used to wait for the balls to form into clusters before taking the plant out, just to be sure its male ;-)


learing the ways

Well-Known Member
definitly looking make but i will leave it untill i know for sure then get it outa ther so i got more room for my white widow babys. just got my easy roll light hangers, which is good.except i got no light lol, neways should take no more than a week for my light to be back.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
well last night i changed the light cycle to 18/6 instead of 24/0, so we will see if the rest does them any good. any way heres a couple pics of the girls 2geva and a pic of the oldest plants (18 days today) i just dont know wat sex it is lol.



Well-Known Member
Cant really tell the sex from those pics unfortunately, try getting a close up shot of the upper nodes.

Still lookin good tho ;-)

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
:weed:hey all, well alot has happened since my last post, the eldest of my plants turned out to be a male so he got the chop, erm my 200w envirolight is now installed and up and running.changed the light cycle from 24/0 to 18/6 which defo seems to have improved growth (thanx londoner :P). 3 girls doind superb, but 2 of them are just not growing so well. im hopeing that when i introduce them to the nutes that this may give them a bit of a pick me up. neways here the latest pics of the 5 white widow lowryders i got left. happy tokeing.:weed:



Well-Known Member
Glad to see you got a better light in there now.

they look really healthy.

good work.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
so u growing lowryders huh?? was wondering if you use nutes ?? since they are lowlife plants maybe they dont need Nutes?

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
havent used any nutes as yet, but i do plan to. im guessing you can grow without them but i would like to do wat i can to increase my yield

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
only the big 1 at the moment thinking of adding 2 20w clfs see if i will be alirte with the temps and that.but they are defo loving that light more than they did the cfls.


Well-Known Member
even better :mrgreen:

i want to get one to hang in the room with my hps. how much it cos you.