6.5 litre pot, is it big enough.


can anyone tell me if a 6.5 litre pot is big enough to finish a plant in, iv,e got 1 orange bud, thanks for any advice.:leaf::-P.


Well-Known Member
it depends on what kind of medium your using, what strain your using, and how long u plan on vegging. how many gallons is that


Well-Known Member
with cannabis there really isnt any such thing as a container too big. i think a 2 gallon container in any system would make a plant root bound by the time its ready to flower. i would only use something that small for clones, seedlings, or early vegging. what kind of set up do u have. i would sugest at least a 5 gallon container for any system. some set ups promote more root growth than others though. if your using soil the size of your pot will be a limiting factor so bigger is better


Active Member
im using a 30 a person i know who gets a lil over a pound each plant uses 40L pots
it all really depends on how long your gonna have it in the pot i suppose
hope that helps