6 days old male ?

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Well-Known Member
It's maybe 6 days since you noticed it popped out of the dirt, only reason to say it's male is the speed it's grown vertical. Some of the growth tips look like balls but I don't think they really are.


Well-Known Member
Y'all are making me think I got something special maybe I should save this dude. I don't even know which strain he is cuz I mixed up the cups.

Look at him here falling over I took a snapshot cuz I wasn't sure it was really him I had to zoom in. Taken March 5th.
Y'all are making me think I got something special maybe I should save this dude. I don't even know which strain he is cuz I mixed up the cups.

Look at him here falling over I took a snapshot cuz I wasn't sure it was really him I had to zoom in. Taken March 5th.
And the first photo you shared was taken 3/10.

Five days after your plant was already falling over.

Perhaps you should smoke less and make more notes. At least you wouldn't mix your cups up that way.

Green Refuge

Well-Known Member
Kill it and have done with it.
That's what I was gonna do last night but I thought let me ask more experienced people just to be sure. I think I'll wait a few more days and see what happens. This thing been growing inches every day. Looks like it stopped since I moved it last night in it's own space.


Well-Known Member
That's what I was gonna do last night but I thought let me ask more experienced people just to be sure. I think I'll wait a few more days and see what happens. This thing been growing inches every day. Looks like it stopped since I moved it last night in it's own space.
I wish you the best of luck
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