6 Days to Harvest, plants got too hot and turned brown.. any remedy?

Hey, I can have some pics up in the morning, but for now.. I left town and came back today to find out it got HOT here.. My room was at 90 degrees F and 16% Humidity!!! I'm on a scrog and all the plants directly under the hood turned brow:cry: Some of the outside stuff is still nice looking..

Is there anything I can do to bring them back a little? I know they will never be the dank they were going to be, but I'm hoping maybe I can salvage it somewhat.

BTW I want to cry lol


Well-Known Member
cut those burnt ones off theyre almost ready. With the remaining lower buds let them go another 2-3 weeks ,bringing the light as close as possible, give them some flowering nutes. Wont be as good as the top buds but its something.
Thanks *BUDS... I already let them wake up this morning, so I'm thinking I'll give em all day (maybe a short one) then cut em down while they are asleep later...

Here are some before and after shots

Nice Garden.jpgHeat Stroke 1.jpgHeat Stroke 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Try not to go away too long again, 2 days no more, must have been getting close to catching on fire at 16% rh and burnt the house down.