6 days to harvest woo hoo!


Well I have 6 days left on my 60 day lemon auto and im pumped ! Tried a little bit a couple of days ago and it put me on my ass so im pumped lol! Here are some pics of the little girl!IMG_0910[1].jpgIMG_0915[1].jpgIMG_0911[1].jpg

Now i can concentrate on the big bang that is growing like crazy she will get the tent all to her self and god knows how she will turn out! Here are a couple pics of her!IMG_0923[1].jpgIMG_0917[1].jpgIMG_0906[2].jpg


The big bang has a ways to go so it's gonna be a beast but the auto is pretty cool its short as hell but the entire plant is bud ! The main cola is pretty much the plant lol!


New Member
where did you get the 60day lemon? LOOKS DAM TASTY, im just about to put my regular plants in flower and was lookin an auto that would work ok'ish along side and have been told that 60day lemon would be best only hoping for 10 grams if it works atall,any toughts or sugestions