6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

thats the reason I started growing was so I could smoke something that....I know what it is and where it came from and everything thing in between. Its just a good feeling smoking something that you worked so hard to produce. all the time and effort pays off. Unfortunately the power skunk did not make it. I managed to salvage some but Its not very good smoke =( cuz it just didnt have time to finish out it was very premature when It died. I really dont have time to make hash so I just left it. Shit I have 1.5 lbs of sugar leaf trimmings in a paper grocery bag that I still havn't even touched yet. I made one batch of hash and just didnt get back to making more. Now I'm moving away and dont really wanna take it all with me and I have a buddy that would be interested in it but I dont even know what its worth. Hes like whats it worth to ya? I still have yet to come up with an answer...
yea, lol get this tho I read the scale wrong, the scale said 1. 4.7 but i was in lbs and oz's so it was 1 lb 4.7 oz. I had a friend that was interested in it and figured that fine trimmings would be worth 10% of what the trimmed buds were worth. so at $4000 per pound and I gave him the benefit of the deal and just called it a qp more than a lb and took 10% and gave him the bag at a friendly number of $500. between making hash and baked goods there is alot more potential there than $500 I would say. It worked out good for both of us
damm 1.5pounds dry? thats alot of trim. id be glad to take that off ur hands..:bigjoint:
And yea It don't get any dryer than it is right now. It was fair amount of trim and mind you this is only the FINE trimmings. I do my trimming in two stages I take all the medium sized leaves off that don't contain any trichs then hang them all up so the leaves don't get all smooshed and wilted around the buds cuz that makes fine trimming a bitch and can cause mold. Then I go back and do all the fine trimming and I filled a paper grocery bag to the point where I couldnt shut it, with sugar leaves when it was all said and done.:leaf:
$4000 a pound?? id really like to see some of those buds to see if its worth it lmao
I dont have a good enough camera to get a real good close up of the buds, but if you go back one page there is a pic of finished buds and if you go to page 34 post #332 (I think) there is pics of the buds hanging and a few colas. Not sure on where your at but around here quality herb goes for $4000-$4200/lb
I dont have a good enough camera to get a real good close up of the buds, but if you go back one page there is a pic of finished buds and if you go to page 34 post #332 (I think) there is pics of the buds hanging and a few colas. Not sure on where your at but around here quality herb goes for $4000-$4200/lb

lol! nevermind your from canada, no wonder that sounds crazy to you. you pay/sell for 2500-3000 up there eh

yes sir the prices sound about right. 3000-3200 for primo buds

2500 range for mid Q stuff

and low end stuff stuff down near 2K

k i checked out your post, really sucks to hear about the frost! im 42 deg north of the equator (most south of canada one can get ;))and we have only experienced 2-3 light frosts so far. those buds looked like they had some more time to finish for sure! u said there were more sativa like??
yes, those power skunks are very slow flowering sativas, had they been planted in a warmer climate, judging by the bud structure and stalk size I think they would have yielded massive arms of solid bud. I got those seeds for free with my purchase order from attitude seeds so Its not like i picked that strain out. I read in the notes and it says right on there **this is a VERY slow flowering sativa. The weather here got colder quicker than usual this season, we hit temps that havent been hit this early since like 1970 something and it was the second most cold begining of october ever on record!! just my luck. lol oh well, the strain I did pick out (Armaggedon) couldnt have turned out any better. At the point of death for the skunks the buds were so premature it wasnt even worth messing with. If I ever get a chance at growing in a warmer climate tho I want to give those power skunks another shot cuz even tho it takes forever they are known to be a very high yeilding plant with a high bud to leaf ratio which would make trimming a breeze. I think if weather would have been better these would have been early maybe mid november at the latest harvest date...
yea, lol get this tho I read the scale wrong, the scale said 1. 4.7 but i was in lbs and oz's so it was 1 lb 4.7 oz. I had a friend that was interested in it and figured that fine trimmings would be worth 10% of what the trimmed buds were worth. so at $4000 per pound and I gave him the benefit of the deal and just called it a qp more than a lb and took 10% and gave him the bag at a friendly number of $500. between making hash and baked goods there is alot more potential there than $500 I would say. It worked out good for both of us

4000/lb? i wouldnt charge more than 2500/lb for homegrown.
$4k/lb? Where I'm at you could be like $5,500 NO problem. And that's if you're getting an alright deal. So should I say, lucky you, or not? If you're a commercial guy, then hell yeah! But if not, well that sucks, cuz it blows payin!
$4k/lb? Where I'm at you could be like $5,500 NO problem. And that's if you're getting an alright deal. So should I say, lucky you, or not? If you're a commercial guy, then hell yeah! But if not, well that sucks, cuz it blows payin!

around here its 2500/lb 3500/2lb if u buy in bulk
check out this super silver haze plant. its about 12' tall here, its 16' tall now and about 2 weeks from harvest.

impressive. +rep
exactly its not only a great height helper but the big reasons is yield with small amounts of traing you can basically double the fun haha

i gotta say topping has never done anything but cause me and my girls pain..