6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..


Well-Known Member
some people say a plant will double in size over the flowering stage, would plants that are giants already be the exception to this? or dose anyone really think plants like this could grow to be 12 feet tall

volcom, im really impressed by your giants, they look top of the line. i couldnt bother reading evry page, did you ever find out what pest was drilling through the stem? sounds odd to me


Well-Known Member
whew, just got done pullin all the males I could find, It only took me about an hour but it really sucked diggin through all the clusters of plants in the wind and finding them. Here are the pictures from todays adventure. One of the male plants well into flower. As you can see I picked quite a few males there, if I counted correctly there was 83. The last pic is my plants enjoying the sun and being blown around like crazy. lol:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
some people say a plant will double in size over the flowering stage, would plants that are giants already be the exception to this? or dose anyone really think plants like this could grow to be 12 feet tall

volcom, im really impressed by your giants, they look top of the line. i couldnt bother reading evry page, did you ever find out what pest was drilling through the stem? sounds odd to me
Plants can grow to be 12 ft tall yes, the wild weed around here last year grew in excess of 8ft tall. If grown in the right conditions my power skunks would easily top that, but lets face it, plants that tall would just be a hassle to manage. You cant even get close to reaching the colas let alone be able to tell if its harvest time lol. Which is why I decided to tie mine down:mrgreen: here is a picture providing proof that certain strains (sativas mostly) get very tall.
Oh and that pest was called a "stalk borer" there is a pic of one on page 4 I think it is. I've found two of them and got rid of both of them and so far havent had any more problems.



Well-Known Member
that guy looks like my grandfather lol. unless someone already removed what was reachable id say that giant plant was MAJORLY stretched due to lack of light and tried to stretch over the tree line


Well-Known Member
judging by all the other thick plants in the picture I would say there was a bunch removed already but who knows...tall plant none the less.


Well-Known Member
Man what a damn fight with those borers. I was starting to think it was a bird or boring type bee. That's crazy on the wild hemp. I've never seen any growing just on its own like that. Got any fresh pics of the females? I bet those damn borers have learned to use that wild hemp for reproduction and you're just unlucky enough to be in their range. Good job on your grow I'll keep an eye on it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for shariing that Angus. Man most of that stuff is pretty wild and rangey looking. I guess it doesn't get much love over there. Those big purps are impressive though.


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity tho, say I got a few seeds from say my Armageddons and I planted them would they be 50% Armageddon, 50% wild? Also over the next generations...you would keep pollinating that strain with itself?....to perfect and get a solid consistent strain?

as for this maybe you can find a male about to go into flower and collect its pollen and to the bag method to a couple branches on your plants so only a couple of buds will be real seed producers so you have some to try and breed the next crop if i had the opportunity id pollinate a few buds then grow those seeds out and back cross a male and female from the new crop to achieve a stable f1 i think ud like it


Well-Known Member
Speaking of tall plants....

The most informative, impressive, and awe-inspiring cannabis venture/thread I've ever read.

Definitely worth sharing.


....may have to make a membership to see pics....I dunno...but if you do it's easy and sooo worth it.
this is how it should be cannabis as far as the eye can see thats what our country was founded and established on for petes sake the constitution is printed on hemp lol


Well-Known Member
as for this maybe you can find a male about to go into flower and collect its pollen and to the bag method to a couple branches on your plants so only a couple of buds will be real seed producers so you have some to try and breed the next crop if i had the opportunity id pollinate a few buds then grow those seeds out and back cross a male and female from the new crop to achieve a stable f1 i think ud like it
so i get the hybrid seeds then pollinate them with each other and that will give me a stable strain? what do you mean by f1? sounds exciting for sure.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member

it should but read thru this itll explain alot more but basically f1 is the name for first cross and when you back cross this is what you get its what the seed banks like to sell

the lil green chart lays it out kinda the cross youd have by your strains and the ditch weed is a f1(first generation) but if you take that offspring and cross it back with a known stable strain itll most likely retain some of the hardiness of the ditch and more perentage of the potent strain, many have been doing this with the true ruderails and haveing a wide range of outcomes so idk its worth a shot... lol
Indica strain thats been inbread over 15-20 years. big bud,white widow,and who knows what else mother nature brought me ...mostly indica strain.


Well-Known Member

it should but read thru this itll explain alot more but basically f1 is the name for first cross and when you back cross this is what you get its what the seed banks like to sell

the lil green chart lays it out kinda the cross youd have by your strains and the ditch weed is a f1(first generation) but if you take that offspring and cross it back with a known stable strain itll most likely retain some of the hardiness of the ditch and more perentage of the potent strain, many have been doing this with the true ruderails and haveing a wide range of outcomes so idk its worth a shot... lol
Thanks for that, I read the whole thing...very good information.


Well-Known Member
yeah i posted that up a few weeks ago and like 3 people saw it cus this site gets so many posts daily but maybe it gave you some ideas on what f1 is lol