6" plant dying


Ive got a 6" plant dying and Ive tryed everything, it remains this size for 3 months now, Ive got it under a 40 gallon fish tank light, dont know the watts, in my basement under 16 hr light 8 hr darkness, recenly put jobees plant food stick 10 4 10 havent seen results any suggestions? SSPX0047.jpg



the light should be a lot closer, it looks like a Fluorescent. and how much soil is actually in the pot?

And also more lights and reflecting walls around the plant will help.


New Member
yes tha light alot closer fluros dont get that hot.. n maybe you need more Nitro for the yellowing leaves? is it showing signs of sex yet?


Well-Known Member
Just not enough light. It was for a while when the plant was smaller but now the plant is bigger and deserves more light. If this is all you have for now than place the lamps literally on top of the plant without touching it. Go get your self some 42watt CFL lights. Do the same with these.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
light mite be penetrating the ro0ts in that white/slightly transparnet bucket.,.,ro0ts must be receiving lite somhow.,.,.,i would transplant in2 a black or dark color bucket/put lite lower/and fill bucket completly with dirt


thanks for the feedback, I will put the light closer and try some tinfoill n bucket etc as for nutrients / Nitrogen I have no idea where to start the clone was given to me 3 mths ago, just been keeping it alive how do you know if its a m/f


Well-Known Member
so i put the light about 1-2 inches above my plant and woke up with itop leaf wilted and burnd any ideas
Get different lights, make sure there are drain holes in the bottom of that bucket, and give the little one nutes high in Nitrogen. Possibly consider replanting it into more/better soil.
Good Luck!:peace:


Active Member
probably got it a little too close, and it burned your leaves lol. no harm done considering the plant's current state. maybe leave the light up on the bench like it was and put something under the bucket to raise the plant to the light? keep the plant about 4" from the light, then if it grows it wont grow into the light and burn itself again. if you transplant into a dark colored bucket full of some nice healthy soil (fox farms ocean forest is gods gift to soil growers who don't wanna mix their own soil). your plant will probably live if you do that
I had my babies under 2 40watt fluors and they were pretty much touching the bulbs with no burnage what-so-ever. The CFL's are a different story. I had a leaf touch one for about 5 minutes and got a nice little burn ring and a great smell.


Active Member
Looks pretty deep in the bucket, do you have a fan blowing on it? Maybe there's not enough air circulation
yea i would do better with the light... @ least isolate watever little light you have with some reflection material

are u ph testing your water?? i heard that will also stunt growth greatly but dont take it from me


So first of all id like tothank everyone for their input I took alot of your guys' advice and put together a new grow op, Iwent to the canadian mafucka and got some miracle grow soil and filled a 3'x3' storage box unfortunately couldn't get a dark container, got some fert 20-20-20 also picked up a 42watt CFL, here are pictures to support my explanation.


