6 week but no bud yet ?


my plant is on 6 week and there is no buds on it but it seems healty .but some leafs are looking down l dont know why ? whats the problem is it normal ?


Well-Known Member
You should only be watering them every 3-4 days give them a good watering and let the soil get dry and water again. After 6 weeks of 12-12 and not even a sign of flowering I would guess you have a big light leak in your grow area go in your grow area during lights out and try to find the leak and get it sealed


Active Member
im a noob but the reason of no bud could be the amount of light u are giving them. how many hours of light are u giving and how much dark are u giving her?


it was on 18-6 l change it to 12 - 12 and its more than 400hbs .. thanks for all help . and l gave water now . is it all true now ?


Well-Known Member
Ha ha u defo need to do your homework mate now youve flipped em to 12/12 expect a big stretch double may e even triple the height they are now depending on strain of course. And make sure the dark period there isn't the tiniest speck of light getting in!!! What are you feeding them and what they in soil or coco?

Oh And judging by your pics I'd say there over waterd let em dry out till the pots are light to lift before you feed em again. Other than that they look sound mate ;-)


Well-Known Member
When you water drench the pot the leave it till the pot feels light, dont just sprinkle a few drops on. Also if they have been 12/12 for 6 weeks your room isn't dark enough in the 12 hour period.


its coming new pics. first one is og the second one is sour diesel and last one is white wid. i fixed light leak and water problem . 20130324_210131[1].jpg20130324_210138[1].jpg20130324_210205[1].jpg