6 weeks flowering ,512 watts of cfl,second grow

mushroom man

Active Member
the plants on the far right and left are about 13 weeks old and the one in the middle is my reveg. I have been feeding them every 3 days and they get a gallon of water almost everyday. the temps are bettween 75 at night and 82 to 85 in the day. the RH is 65 to 70% all times. there food is malases and tiger bloom.i did lst on all my plants ,the bigg one is held down by a 5 pound hand gernad. I put all this together for a little over a hunderd bucks.My first yeild i got over a qp off of two 2 foot tall plants[my reveg].all the water i use is rain water ,but i do use a little of tap water when i feed,because the water in this town is so alk i can use it to bring the ph to 6.5 with out haveing to use my ph kit.all water is phed ,soil is phed with lime.The bigg plant is in a 7 1/2 gallon pot as is the reveg,the one on the left is in a 3 1/2 gallon bucket.I veged a liitle over a month ,they were about a foot tall or so. hopeing to get at least 10 to 12 oz off this grow. AND WHO SAYS U CANT GET REAL GOOD POT AND YEILD OFF OF CFL! I through a pic of a the two main cola buds from the reveg that i still have that have left.:leaf::leaf::leaf: does anyone know y the bigg plant is budding so dam slow? it is way behind the other two.



Active Member
dam nice grow man!! im not sure why your one plant is behind, but those tops in that one picture where your holding em....very nice keep up the good growing!

mushroom man

Active Member
thanks man ,i did a lot of reading and after my first grow i got the feel out the plant and the prosess, now that i have an idea it makes growing a lot easyer. Still wondering y that plant is slow? i know its a sitiva but the other one is too,and its much faster genitics of the plant i geuss Im sorry my post says 6 weeks there 7


Well-Known Member
damn dude!! how are you getting those big ass nugs?!? is it mainly because of the molasses and tiger bloom??

mushroom man

Active Member
yea they seem to be slow,i have to agree,but i dont have anything to compare them too,cant spend money that i dont have.
yea u would be spending more money than its worth ,where in the world did u read that man ?
it was on another one of these threads, they said to use the "used" bulbs in your house. My whole deal is doing it as cheap as possible, thats why I use miracle grow stuff and molasses. My set up will get better as time goes.
Just a little at a time and visiting trade fairs to find stuff cheap. I got 2-3 bulb bathroom fixtures for 2 bucks the other day.

mushroom man

Active Member
i use y spliters and u can get them at home depo for 2 bucks ,works great,also i do like u i find stuff and rigg it to work for me ,i dont have money man, im poor as hell lol,but it seems to do well for me.i dont sell my pot only smoke,and with out a job its hard to aford anything. i also use malasous but i love tiger bloom it kicks ass
mine is going to be for personal use too, I will share a bit with friends just to show off a bit.Is tiger bloom expensive? where do you get it?

mushroom man

Active Member
its a fox farm product from humbolt cali,16 bucks ,something like that .If i were u i woudl try and get something for flowering. Vegging u can use cheap crap as long as u learn how to use it with out bruning yr plants. Tigebloom seems to be hot also ,it took me a min to figuar out how much my plants can take and what they need. What yr grow look like man ?

mushroom man

Active Member
i will be posting pics soon i think i will do them every week.the big plant will have some arm size buds and i would like to show to all the noobs[like me] it can be done one first and second grow with the bare min ,with clfs no less. to always reading postes saying clf lights suck balls .I beg to differ!