6 weeks into flower (photos)

Joven Agricultor

Well-Known Member
So it's been 6 weeks since the flip.

First grow, have had some key help with a few issues from the community here at RIU, thanks guys! Still not in the clear yet as I'm 2-3 weeks from chop. Here's some pics of one of my ladies, what do you guys think? I've got four of these girls flowering in 3.5 gallon buckets under a 1K hps.
"Headband" grown from clone.

Joven Agricultor

Well-Known Member
Very nice sir!

Coming into the home stretch! Nothing like your first harvest... :bigjoint::blsmoke:bongsmilie:clap::hump::weed::eyesmoke:
Yeah buddy! Thanks a lot guys, I'm so excited and being so patient...... 2014 should be my last med purchase :) 17 years, and finally get to smoke my own grown smoke! My buddy says this strain is typically mature at 54 days, I need to get a loupe soon.

Very nice for 1st time grow...
Good job with LST!!
Keep growing!
I didn't know exactly what I was doing, I'm very pleased with the results! O have 6 purple D seedlings vegging, I'm tryingbto "mainline" myself to 8 colas. No plans to stop! Just had to buy a dehui with all the rain we just got here....... I plan to invest and double up the lighting in the garden!

Joven Agricultor

Well-Known Member
looks awesome man! just curious how big of an area you are using and the nutes you used during flower?
Thanks. My flower chamber is 5.5'x5.5'x6.5' tall. I used FoxFarms Ocean Forrest soil with Fox Farms liquid trio nutes: grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom. Didn't start nutes til a month in veg. Vegged for 5.5 weeks. I've used Sucanat every other watering since day 30, feed, water/sucanat, feed, water/sucanat, etc.

Edit: sucanat from day 30 after the flip. Plan is to use it just during the 3rd quarter of flowering (days 30-45) Today would be the last sucanat watering according to that schedule. However I maydo one more after the next feeding. I'm running my RH at 30% tring to increase resin production.
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