abe supercro
Well-Known Member
how did he have access to her milk in the first place?
how did he have access to her milk in the first place?
Good question now think about it she got it from a cow and I shat in ithow did he have access to her milk in the first place?
The thing ur talkin about was advertisement to get Americans to visit aus in the ad there is crocodile dundee cooking a 8 in prawn calling it a shrimp to be funny lol we call them prawns we dont have shrimp in aussieHey mate, not a problem, a few shrimp on the barby and Bucks wife in the tent and all is good !!!!
Btw I dont speak spanish lol I copy and pasted that from a spanish swear word siteDrunken stupor obviously.
unlucky, what happenedneigbours kids got me pinched once
parents got suss and started turning my room inside out, had to move it outside so every day this week i set off into the bush and looked for a grow spot... found one... not safe enough. my next spot will be k's away from civilisationWhy don't you just grow inside ? your shit doesn't look too "hidden" especially with what looks like a brick barrier around your plants, Also what I assume is a manhole or sewer, right next to it. Since you suck at hiding shit just buy a fucking tent
mate im never giving up so bad luck. had a bit of a shit journey so far but im sure it will only get better as summer comes along... so sit tightHe should give up trying to grow weed I reakon a cactus he could grow maybe
"real australians are very criminal smart" classic haha. and im not a fake im am very much real i just happen to be unlucky... your off ur medsRe written for the greenmonkey he could not understand my ramblin
Ok 420 is not a aussie he a fucking fake
Real australians r very criminally smart our country was made by crims
420s parents musta been fcking retards to creat such a dumbass son
Your must be young to never have seen your birth cert and not know where u was born what hospital u was born in lol its kinda somthing u need to know if u even have a license how old r u 420 14/15?i'm not Chinese haha what da fuck. like yeah i learnt the language when i was in year 7 at school but i'm 100% Australian. i was born in Melbourne (cant remember the hospital) and lived in syd till i was about 2-3 then my parents took me to London for a year i think and then we came back to Australia and i've lived here ever since. so sit back, let me chuck some shrimp on the barby and grab u a VB. and if i wasn't Australian then how would i know that Tony Abbot is the shittest Prime Minister and everyone hates him and hes fucked everyone with his new "budget" scheme. and Julia Gillard the filthy ranga. ( no offence to red-haired people i just hate Julia)
weedenhanced has lost the plotLol WTF is going on here?
its not a made up story though?Facts ? U make up storys about 6 year olds u fcking dickhead lmfao
Yeah ok sure it notits not a made up story though?
lololololYeah ok sure it not
my story about aliens is true 2
Canada is a commonwealth country just like australia we have many things that r the same. And iam nothing like 420 hes a dumb fck kid who like to make up storys lol for likesAh Canadians spell colour as colour. Lol. I always find it best to know what your talking about before insulting someone. But I am Canadian so wtf do I really know eh.
I can see Australia has a wicked school system. You both write so very much alike. Almost as if your having an argument with yourself...