60-Day-Wonder - CFL - PC Stealth Case - Soil - First Grow


Hey everyone, finally jumped into growing. Been a long time reader and I feel comfortable enough to start. I'll be growing DNA Genetics 60-Day-Wonder in soil in my PC grow box. I have many other seeds all femenized and all from The Attitude, so after this first one I'll keep going with 2 at a time.

Grow Info
Is it in Veg or Flower stage - Veg, still a baby
If in Veg... For how long - Almost 5 days now. Sprouted just today 12/4/10
Indoor or outdoor - Indoor
Soil or Hydro - Soil
If soil... what is in your mix - MG Moisture Control
If soil... What size pot - Small 6" clay pot
Size of light - 23w CFL @ 6500k x 4 Then I have 4 more 2700k ones. Only using 3 as of now because of heat
Is it aircooled - Yes, 4 pc fans, 2 in 2 out
How often are you watering - Everyday give or take
Type and strength of ferts used - NONE.

Ok so, Miracle Grow. Most people hate using it, I shouldn't have gotten it, but I did. Since I'm using this MG mix, it will feed the plant itself, so I will use no nutes. I need to get a PH testing kit to start keeping track of that too.

My light cycle is 24/0 as of now. This is a pure veg cycle, and one reason I'm doing this is to increase veg grow time, but also because DNA Gen. says these seeds can even flower under 24/0. I've heard buds grow more during dark times, so once the plant starts to get some height on her, I will bring it down to either 22/2 or 20/4. I am limited with height to about 27", and the lights have massive magnets on them so they can be moved very easily. I have an SCROG rigged up and will put them on once it is time.

I'm afraid to Top an auto plant or even LST because of the limited time. DNA Gen says 60 days FROM GERM!

Sidenote: I am a photographer by trade (Nikon!) and so get ready for some nice shots if this plant gets going

Day 4


My big problem is with humidity currently. It may not be affecting the plant now, but it could. I'm worrying because my humidity ranges from 10 - 20% and I hear that it must be anywhere from 40% to 50% to even 60%. It could be because of "too much" airflow. I have the fans and lights on 24/0, and the fans just may be overpowering the growing area in the PC case. What do you all think?

Another thing I'm seeing is a yellowing to the tips of the 2 main leaves. I have a feeling this is nute burn early on. Miracle Grow has auto feeding nutes in the soil, so it must be feeding the plant too early. Any ideas on that would be awesome too.

And finally, when I water the plant, no water drains from the bottom. It did when I first flushed the soil, but I used a lot of water. Is this a factor of the MG Moisture control soil? or could it be a problem with my drainage system?

Thanks for stopping by! DSC_5957-2.jpg Some awesome bud I recently got, have some of that bud porn :-P
Hey, I'm new to this site, and to growing in general. I am currently about a week into a grow that is set up pretty much like yours, although from the looks of it my grow space is a bit bigger, also using MG and seeds from a friend. My seedlings are doing fine with about 15% humidity, so I don't think that's you're problem, you might want to have the fans run on some sort of timers, so you don't stress the plants out to much, but I think your main problem is the watering. Don't water just because its "Been a while" thats a surefire way to get yourself some root rot, let the soil dry out almost completely before you water, and water sparingly when you do. It's easier to kill a plant through over watering or adding too many nutrients than by skimping a little bit. Best of luck with your grow, I can't wait to see how it turns out!

P.S. Tasty lookin nug you've got there, enjoy!