60 Days (8 1/2 weeks) into flowering...


Active Member
First time indoor soil grower. I had nute issues throughout the life cycle so the leaves either died or turned purple as we're nearing harvest. As you can see, both plants are trimmed down and are riping pretty nicely regardless. I'm flushing them as we speak and I want to harvest on the early side. I'm thinking another 7-10 days...

Any thoughts??



Well-Known Member
That looks pretty early to me. Most of th Trichs still appear clear in the middle few pics.

Why have you taken all the fan leaves off?


Active Member
That looks pretty early to me. Most of th Trichs still appear clear in the middle few pics.

Why have you taken all the fan leaves off?

They were all yellow/red and dried out. like I said, I had some nute issues which led to most of the leaves falling off. I just cleaned them up.


Well-Known Member
What I'd do would be to chop one up and smoke her.... that'll give you some smoke while you wait for the other one to finish up.

They're not going to grow much more without fan leaves anyway.

If lack of smoke isn't a problem then leave them both, the weed gets better the longer you leave it (IMO).... but then I'm a chronic smoker, so if I don't wanna be couch-locked I'll just smoke the one joint ;-):joint:


New Member
i personally don't understand why people offer their opinions on "how much longer"...or why posters even ask.

Look at the trich's under a microscope...it's the only way YOU can determine how much longer


Well-Known Member
looks good bro. only tips is you have to learn to train your plant to maximize your only light. oh and fix that ph deal.


Active Member
Let em go another week for sure and then dry em n cure em and u got urself some fruity lookin dank there! Not terrible for ur first grow, now u know how vital it is to pay attention to ur gerlz!