60 days flowering and leaves are yellowing


Active Member
So my plants are just over 60 days into flowering and the man leaves have started getting yellow spots on them. The plant has not started to turn amber at all yet and I want to let it flower for another week or two. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks



Well-Known Member
that jus means it's going towards the end of it's life cycle...when they start to turn yellow no worries jus pull off the dead fan leaves


Active Member
Yeah, thats what ive been doing on my other plants, its not so much the yellowing that concerned me but the brown spots.


Active Member
unfortunately i havent given it any nutes in a week and a half just water. Any chance it could be some kind of bug that im not seeing? I havent had any bug issues yet fortunately but im not sure, this is only my first grow.


Well-Known Member
check under the leaves for bugs mites...ect... if not then they are jus dying off jus keep flushing are u doing soil organic or hydro???


Active Member
Orgaic soil grow with 6 100w equiv. cfl's in rubbermaid containers, so far i harvested one plant yesterday and it is currently hanging im going to harvest another on sat. or sun.. and another mid next week.