60 liter pot drain and watering

I finally got a 60 liter pot for my 2x2 cabin

do I have to put a (gravel) drain layer?

I have doubts on how to water the plant in this large pot too. Should I moisten the soil before transplanting the seedling? When watering, should I wet the entire surface or just around the seedling?
I finally got a 60 liter pot for my 2x2 cabin

do I have to put a (gravel) drain layer?

I have doubts on how to water the plant in this large pot too. Should I moisten the soil before transplanting the seedling? When watering, should I wet the entire surface or just around the seedling?
People start plants in small pots, then transplant up as they grow for good reasons. I suggest you do the same. It's way easier to know your watering situation and it helps the roots better take advantage of the soil volume as you pot them up.
You don't need gravel if you're using fabric pots, but I prob would in a hard pot that size. It's fine to plant your seedlings in pre-moistened 60L. Just don't overwater the seedling. I usually just water around the seedling until the plant is big enough to water the whole pot. That usually takes 6+ weeks...