60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
its not too bad....but personally..i dont feel you need to go to that extent with this grow...if you had an area you could keep it going in then yes...but you are growing and moving out...i would cut costs a little you have top of the line equipment right now..in my opinion..its even a little overkill what your doing..but in this hobby that is perfectly fine. when you get into a spot where you can stay for a few years, then go all out..but for a low-key grow..low-key is the key word..


Well-Known Member
light movers couldnt hurt and especially since you got some room there. you can always keep them so its not wasted money. basically, it will increase your yields, but will cost more capital to invest in them. however the investment lasts for most likely your whole life so there ya go. id do it


Well-Known Member
I priced some light movers when i was at the grow shop the other day, they are exspensive and only cove life 4ft vert. only and you need a ballast for them (kinda better off investing in more light..), atleast the one i seen, but if i had the money... id do it!!


Well-Known Member
So during the veg stage when I am doing 18/6 During those 6 hours I just turn the lights off and have the room pich dark correct? However, I do still run my intake, exhaust, and oscallating fans..??


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
So during the veg stage when I am doing 18/6 During those 6 hours I just turn the lights off and have the room pich dark correct? However, I do still run my intake, exhaust, and oscallating fans..??
you stand corrected. Great job man keep up proud. :joint::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
I have been told that if the leaves are curling upwards around all the edges this meants the plants are too close to the lights. is this true? Some of my leaves on my plants are curled upwards at all the edges. I can take pics if needed..


Well-Known Member
Im about to turn my lights back on from the 6 hours off. I went into the room to check the temps. They are at 56.F and humidity at 64%. I choose not to run the intake during the 6 off because it pulls air from outside and it would go well below 56 F. Is this temp to low for the veg stage with lights off? when the lights come on after 1 hour temps are at 75F 40% humidity with intake, exhaust, and 3 oscallating fans in full effect.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I have been told that if the leaves are curling upwards around all the edges this meants the plants are too close to the lights. is this true? Some of my leaves on my plants are curled upwards at all the edges. I can take pics if needed..

When leaves get to hot.. they start to point upward.. BUT there is no curling.. the entire leave changes its angle... they will starting POINTING up...

If you put your hand at leaf level.. and leave t there for a few minutes..or at least a minute and your hand feels fine, then the light is not to HIGH...

and even if your hand does get hot, you should consider blowing air between your plants and your light rather than raise your light.



Well-Known Member
Im about to turn my lights back on from the 6 hours off. I went into the room to check the temps. They are at 56.F and humidity at 64%. I choose not to run the intake during the 6 off because it pulls air from outside and it would go well below 56 F. Is this temp to low for the veg stage with lights off? when the lights come on after 1 hour temps are at 75F 40% humidity with intake, exhaust, and 3 oscallating fans in full effect.

those #'s are almost an identical match of mine. mine look great. you need to run the exhaust 24 hours. this will keep the humidity down. the dark temp is a little low. but once again that's what mine's at. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
doesn't seem too low....although if you start flowering and the temp keeps going that low you will probably end up with some purple buds..


Well-Known Member
FDD is that ok for me to have the exhaust on but the intake off for those 6 hours...

depends on how sealed you are. if the exhaust is causing to much vacuum it will be hard on the motor. i do know you can turn the oscillating fans off at night. i only have an exhaust with an open intake. it runs 24/7. i have an oscillating that comes on with the light.


Well-Known Member
yea the floor fans being on at night is ok now but when you start to get bigger plants the fans on at night makes it very humid if your room is pretty sealed.


Well-Known Member
What is the ideal temp with lights off both for veg and flower. Also, what is the ideal humidity with lights off both for veg and flower.


Well-Known Member
Fdd Thanks for the link. Damn I really want to get my humidity between 50-60% with the lights on. It always between 30-44%. I bought a humidifier as you can see in some of the pics. I placed it in front of the intake to try to raise humidity with the lights on but it didnt help at all. Of course the garage is probably way to big for that little thing. Any reccomendations.


Well-Known Member
Caligrown. I will try that. The fans are actually on the walls so I might use a stool or something


Active Member
Gottal love sonoma county...
hey dude, i think u give too much personal info.
with pictures of ur garage before and all the rooms and shit
bad guys come here too!
btw - whats the current situationd with u and ur landlord? =o)