600 hps, 8 ladies and a shitload of soil...


Well-Known Member
This is my last grow i just let go naturally, 3bubblegum from ? and 3 white lable white widow. Not as potent as i expected but did cut down a little early. Also i heard leaving them for 24hrs before chopping increases resin, ill definetly try that this time. The bubblegum was a bit airy but the widow had rock hard buds it was fucking lovely stuff.


You might want to keep your best of each variety on perma-veg and mother them out. No reason not to let the cream rise to the top. Trim no more on your phattest trunks. Plan a transplant for them in another month or two. In terms of soil quality/amendments, I could go right off here, but do a search for "sub cool's super soil step-by-step" for kicks, since you are in dirt. We played a bit from his recipe, adding sea weeds, mad broken shells, rough 1/16-1/8" broken shell grade sand, fermented dog nuggets (use CO2 filter from brew store), redwood compost, and more. Dig it up. Farmer's don't grow food, they grow soil!


Well-Known Member
cheers for the info someguy. I just get good soil from my grow shop. I will someday get into cloning but at the moment i want to try as many different strains as i can so i plan on doing perpetual harvest but from seed each time.


Well-Known Member
On building my veg chamber, should i definetly use the 250mh for vegin or would the 150 blue cfl be enough to grow my plants big enough for flower (just thinking bout my electric bill). I was thinking about 6-10 plants veging for about 6 weeks, is this enough light or would they be stretched?


New Member
That will be pretty hard to do from seed. Clones are better, you know they're female and you can get an even canopy. Alot harder to do that with seeds.
Try installing a thermostat to an array of emergency evac fans up high. Such that, a critical temperature, such as 80*F, triggers a massive air exchange. At worst, they would have seen temps cycling ~75-80* all night, instead of even minutes at 100. Thermostat+fans=risk evaded. Cheapest air mover I've found was a 10" (over sized computer style) surface mount fan at Green Coast Hydro (4 locations SoCal) or igrowhydro.com. It was ~$25 and moves some CFM. Vents from top farthest point from light, out of grow space. Switching to Time of Use Metering, and running system from 11am-5pm has saved on cost 45% and heat by a few degrees of ambient run temp. Shutting pie hole... now.


Well-Known Member
So ive tied down the 2 main shoots on each topped plant (exept for the smaller 1). I have tied them down as far as i could, also i have tied down the shoots from the next node down. It is a pretty even canopy.

Should i have only tied down the top shoots and is this all too soon after they were burnt?

Also when i tied down the 2 shoots on 1 plant they both split quite badly (pic1) i hope they heal. the last pic is the half plant i salvaged. maybe i should just bin it

I plan to give them a week longer in veg is this sufficicent, wot with the shoots splitting and all the tying ive done? This is my first time lst ing have i fucked it up or what?




New Member
ya man, just keep the canopy all the same. I mostly lst right off the start, after I have 4-5 true nodes, then them a few more weeks at least to veg and that gives the plant lots of time to make all those other lower and side branches grow up and strong and then you can guide them where you want to get a nice lush, even canopy.
Don't worry about the split stalk, they heal. Mine split all the time when I super crop. They heal up. I put scotch tape around 'em. I don't know if that is what you should do or not but it works for me.


Well-Known Member
Yes i was gonna use duct tap, ha ha. it has split quite badly at the node. Hope your rite or i may have to top it again. So what will happen now? will all the little shoots start sprouting up? Should i veg a bit more than a week?


New Member
well it's up to you man, the longer you veg the more you're gonna get. It's all on you, how long you wanna wait.
I had one of the very bottem branches bending too much and it split from the bottem of the branch right into the main stalk and I thought it was a gonner but the little bitch healed its self and grew thick as hell and made a massive bud. That's when I found out what super cropping was, that's when you squeze the stem and bend it over to do the same as lst but makes a bigger thicker branch that gives more bud.
I don't know if using tape is better or worse for it. I just use it.


Well-Known Member
So here we are at 6 weeks and i am loving the canopy. There was some yellowing on the lower leaves. I know thats normal in flower but im still in veg. I think its due to the heat stress.. any other opinions? its not nute burn as im only on 1/2 nutes and feeding every other watering. Hope this doesnt work its way up the plant. maybe its just from lack of light...?

Im just waiting for the split shoots to heal (was duct tape a good idea and should i leave it on?) then i can flower these babies... about fucking time too!!!:hump::hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
taylormade i wouold use the cfl i use a 200 watt cfl for veg and in 23 days my plants from seed were showin sex and ready to flower and i had atleast 12 plants in their. and if u need any help on lstin check the thread below its all about lst


Well-Known Member
Im scribed to that thread already. Those are some sweet plants you gotkiss-ass

Definetly gonna LST from the 3rd node next time. My cfls 150 watt but i was thinking of getting rid of it next time and using 250mh for veg and 600hps for flower, will that be better or would you still use the cfl. Also should i turn off my hps for the last week of veg? these plants have been stressed right out will they recover better?


Well-Known Member
well i would use the cfl, its less heat, and cheaper to run im sure your plant would like the 250. but if it were me i would say cfl, can also get the cfl much closer to the plants. i am also very low on cash thats why i would choose th cfl and they grew my plants great and quick. but if your not worried about the heat or a lil bit higher of a bill then the 250 is the way to go the more light the better. and i dont quite understand your question about the hps bein off and the stressed plant


Well-Known Member
Forgive me i am slightly mashed..:shock:

What i meant was ive been vegging under a 600hp and a 150cfl. I split a few shoots lsting and the plants got scorched due to heat from my central heating being left on. I am trying to heal them up before i flower. just wondered if they would heal better withouth the hps on.


Well-Known Member
i would just use the cfl, less energy bein used and it might help them recover by not bein under such intense light. i vegged one time under my 600 and the plants liked it but it used up the life of my bulb alot quiker and the bill was pretty high, now i only use the hps for flower and also before i flower i take my plants from unde th cfl and vegg them for 2 days on a 18/6 light shcedule under the hps, just to introduce them to the new light


Well-Known Member
Pics of week 4,5 and 6 the growth seems stunted. Killed the small, half burnt plant. When i pulled it up it hadnt responded to the repot. The root ball was the same as when i repotted and just pulled out of the fresh soil. Hope the rest arent the same but hard to check as there are strings everywhere.



Well-Known Member
So heres the update at 4 days flowering. They all seem healthy exept 1 was displaying slight nute burn so i flushed it through in my bathtub. They are on half strength flowering nutes at the moment.