600 vs 1000 watt light


Active Member
probably just one... better with two... or one, and additional lighting, like a 200 watt CFL... thats what I use.. a 600 watt HPS, and a 200 watt 8U CFL


Well-Known Member
ok so say i go with 600 watt lights because my ballasts are multi wattage how many would i need with what hood my plan was 2 1k watts with luxor hoods


Active Member
i fnd that the combined spectrum of the enhanced HPS bulb, added with the awesome vegging of a 200, 6400K CFL makes for a very stocky plant, with a better range of lighting and par... it works best for me, and the heat is easy to control... but thars just my preferance.. the cfl, I got the whole setup for $125... my HPS was like $350 for the whole digital ballast, bulb, and reflector and base


Active Member
if you were gonna use 2 1000 watt lights... then Id go with two 600 watt HPS lights... and if u can afford it, throw some CFL in there


Active Member
my aerogarden uses 3 x 3400 lumen cfl lights.. and itll grow one healthy ass plant... wont be a huge harvest, but it give you a healthy veg.. then transplant to a real system LOL


Active Member
good call... its all about your preferance, and what your plant likes... nobody is 'wrong" just have learned different ways, or use a different strain, and nutrient setup etc gonna go medicate, and check your new thread.. leave a link to follow LOL