600 w with 16 plants?

hey guys Ive done a couple of grows with 16 plants under one 600w but I have read that I should only have nine in this space. would decreasing the amount result in a larger haul? I currently get about an oz Per Plant although sometimes more on a few of them I have had nearly 2oz


Active Member
It depends on how you want to grow...if you want big plants taking up more space, then less is more. Or you could have more, smaller plants that get about an oz or 1.5 each. So in that case the more the merrier.
If you don't have much room, more plants is better. Of course that's my opinion...it's debatable, but SCROG seems to have worked well for me with the area I have.


Well-Known Member
I like to run 5 under each 600w in a 4x4 area. 4 plants under a 600 in a 3x3 area. Vegged to 12-16". Thats my prefrence, ive ran 16 under a 600 in a 4x4 tent and it was a jungle! But if ur pulling a lb from a 600 keep doin what your doing its working well. Im trying new genetics now but was getting .5gpw before.


Well-Known Member
I would be doing 16 in a 4x4 with a 600 if I had a 600. sounds like your yield is on point. I guess some would argue that it's crowded and you would get bigger buds with less plants , but to me all bigger buds mean is bigger stems in your bud. 1sq ft per plant seems fair to me. I like my room to look like a jungle though I think it should look like you could walk accross the top of your plants 16 12' pots topped uncle ben style thats where i would live.


Well-Known Member
If you are pulling a pound, what is the problem?

I can pull a pound with two plants under my 600 watt hps.
I think you get less frizzle frazzle with less plants.

No offense, but why would you grow 16 plants unless you want 16 different varieties?
I run two partly for ease of watering (coco and pots).


Active Member
I used a 600watt MH/HPS light over a 4'x2' hydro tray and fit 18 7"x7" square containers filled with Ocean Forest in my closet



Well-Known Member
how long you vegging them plants and are you doing any scrog or lst???? original poster same question how long are you vegging for
If you are pulling a pound, what is the problem?

I can pull a pound with two plants under my 600 watt hps.
I think you get less frizzle frazzle with less plants.

No offense, but why would you grow 16 plants unless you want 16 different varieties?
I run two partly for ease of watering (coco and pots).


Well-Known Member
I run 600's almost exclusively now.....

4x4 flood tables, coco in 3 gal. smart pots. I fit 12-16 per table and hit a nice 1.5-2oz. per plant on average some fall higher then 2 oz. some fall just over 1 oz. But I am hitting 1.15 gram per watt with mine.

You can run bigger pots/plants but will have to grow less plants, like 6 in 5 gallons, or etc. or you can run 4 in 10 gallons......

Or you can do the exact opposite..... smaller containers more plants.... smaller yield per plant.

Best thing you can do is

1. Keep the light as close as possible without heat issues, or bleaching.

2. Utilize as much of your light footprint as possible..... Whether is be SCROG, SOG, or other personal style.... use up every inch you can with cola growth!!!

Those are 2 of the easiest ways to get nice buds, and raise your yield.

Also as a side note, lately I have been running 12 plants ( in 3 gal. ) per 600 over a 4x4, and also fill in open middle gaps in my canopy with smaller single cola plants ( flowered clones ) in 6x6 square pots, or 1 gal. smart pots in order to fill up those little empty holes inbetween the bigger plants, since plants are round.... and generally the lights footprint is a square... it just helps me fill those inbetween empty spots between the larger plants and get a better GPW number by taking full advantage of all the light I can.