600 watt African sativa flowring


Well-Known Member
2750.jpg2558.jpg2749.jpg2739.jpg2605.jpg2742.jpg2769.jpgThese pics are a bit old, waiting on my buddie's camera to take updated ones.

The plants come from seeds handpicked off a west African sativa plant. I posted my first grow from start to finish using cfls https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/516571-cfl-closet-grow-sativa-poor.html . I've grown 3 more experimental plants since the poor man grow and finally decided to get a 600w mh/hps and grow larger plants.

I'm growing two females which are both at about 4.5 feet tall and in 4 gallon containers. They are now on week 3 of flowering( its a twelve week strain from my past experience )
This strain is very sensitive to nutes it seems. It thrives during veg, but the second i switch to flowering the problems begin to occur, topped stalks dry up and crack, soil stops drying out at regular intervals, leaves lose their luster.. etc.
I'm hoping that with the help of those who have dealt with similar difficult sativa strains, these two sisters will prevail! :weed:


Well-Known Member
This week, things took a turn for the worse, the vibrance of the creatures in the pics above is nowhere to be found in the plants I'm currently staing at.
I hardlly used any N during veg since it's a soil grow, but the plant leaves were yellowing and dying way too early in flowering, so I decided to supplement with just a tiny bit of N.
BIG mistake. The plant quit throwing pistols and instead begun to grow tiny curled leaves on the bud-sites, and all the leaves begun to droop and look unhappy.
I decided to flush both pots thoroughly today.
runoff ph is 6.5 for both plants consistent.


Well-Known Member
had to think for a minute or so, then ah ha! the cfl's and the sativa's
good to see you're still growing the sats, these look pretty good to me
but as you say, you've got some more distance to go
looking forward to the rest of the grow, gotta try something more sat than my hybrids someday


Well-Known Member
just saw your second update, that puts your pm in context
i know sativa's can be finicky, and the extra nitrogen didn't seem to suit the works so to speak
little late, but my initial impression was keep doing what you're doing, PH sounds good if that's any solace


Well-Known Member
Thanks Lol. I do hope you get around to growing one at least for kicks. I'm a slave to the allure of a piercingly clear head high. Strains like sour d are so expensive around the east coast, and most of the high grade stuff people try to peddle me tends to always lean towards indica and just leave me feeling like time was wasted.
I have refused to smoke until this grow is done, despite the difficulty and time it takes to grow, that energitic high... has helped me break down super complex programming/life problems which may sound a bit outlandish.. but no other strain i've come across does that consistently, where i can put a problem in my head, smoke and bam, 2 hrs later, problem solved(as long as i remember to stay focused and write things down ).
Now if anyone would recommend a high yield strain that does the same.. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you put it nicely, not sure if you vape at all, but vaping does add an increased sativa feel(somewhat) to a hybrid, next best thing i guess
jock horror has some degree of reputation for this, bout the seeds a ways back and got 1 male so far
funny thing with the male is it hermied when i cut off some branches to isolate the balls/pollen
and was able to get enough for a few vaping sessions, and it was pretty damn nice


Well-Known Member
Heh, I've only vaped once, definitely got to explore that further.

And about the males, THe same thing happened to me with this grow!
I originally had this male which i kept for pollen, I collected the pollen and 'castrated' it. aka i removed all the bud sites,
the new ones which grew in were female-leaning hermie(pictured below) :O
but i didnt have the guts to keep it around any longer to find out if it would give good smoke, so down to two plants now lol.


Well-Known Member
Its been almost 40 days now from the first set of pistols.. these prude ladies don't seem to be in any hurry to give it up.
20130404_192629 - Copy.jpg20130404_192638.jpg


Well-Known Member
nice pictures, was able to zoom in on her 'privates'
nothing wrong with what i'm seeing, and i hear you on the time, these sativa's are a work of love

Kite High

Well-Known Member
oh its gonna take time but ooooo...you gonna be so high

as to your inquiry I would recommend c99, although can be very trippy
Ace Panama
Cannabiogen Destroyer
BF Dr. Grinnspoon


Well-Known Member
Look like some nice looking plants man. The node spacing is good and tight. Though they take time the final reward is fantastic. I ran some pure sativas a few years ago that I believe took 14 weeks if I remember correctly. They were awesome though, and yielded pretty well about 4 oz a plant. Each branch was a big long cola which is how yours looks like it should turn out.


Well-Known Member
oh its gonna take time but ooooo...you gonna be so high

as to your inquiry I would recommend c99, although can be very trippy
Ace Panama
Cannabiogen Destroyer
BF Dr. Grinnspoon
yea I was actually salivating at some c99 threads yesterday, might do that next depending on who long this takes. This strain i'm growin gives more nirvana-like feeling than straight up trippy, except this one time I was watching crazy old Polish animations high... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Look like some nice looking plants man. The node spacing is good and tight. Though they take time the final reward is fantastic. I ran some pure sativas a few years ago that I believe took 14 weeks if I remember correctly. They were awesome though, and yielded pretty well about 4 oz a plant. Each branch was a big long cola which is how yours looks like it should turn out.
THanks for the encouragement Thunder. I did try to top them for even height colas, but moved the grow around way too many times, so its a bit inconsistent.
The only plant to turn out close to what i was going for was the runt which i experimented on.. before i found it it was actually female and not male. :dunce: Pics coming soon.


Well-Known Member
Ms. Runt: Just begginng in flower mode. She's almost 3ft tall & smells pretty skunky

Plant #1: Always in a good mood, smells real fruity

Plant #2: More sensitve to literally everything, not as hardy, not as aromatic as plant #1, but I left more nodes on it



Well-Known Member

Another update, few changes happening here and there. any estimates on remaining number of weeks would be appreciated



Well-Known Member
While this grow has been better than the rest so far, it seems that this strain needs to get more gradual
nitrogen doses in veg than i provided it with.
Most leaves have been lost in the flowering process for the 4ft-ers, but the runt(second image) has had the healthiest looking leaves
and its definitely flowered quicker than the others and has caught up despite a 3 week flowering delay.

Circumstance has forced me to cut this short, good thing it seems to be mostly done. :bigjoint:
